Sunday, October 2, 2011

Love the one you're with

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Love the one you’re with
Settle for what you’ve made
Yearning for a lost love will create
Unwanted stir with your mate
A roving eye will never cease
Control it as best you could
Keep the one you’re with
You’ve been blessed for good.

Message for Sept. 30, 2011.
An illicit relationship is never good for both parties and their families. One must look beyond their  self and try to foresee the consequence of their actions to everyone who will be affected.

Being faithful to someone you are with now, even if love was not there at the start and continuing to be together for the sake of your  children will be beneficial for the family  and righteous before My eyes.

I know so many families that are currently struggling to be true to their marriage vows because from the start of their relationship, one partner was unsure of their own feelings. Plunging into a relationship soon after another failed one, does not give much time for you to forget the other person who have been so much a part of you for a time.

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