Friday, October 7, 2011

The Swiftness of Time

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Time, how swiftly you pass by
In the blink of an eye
You disappear from my sight
Never pausing to look back
Always forward you move on
To meet a timetable
Only God would have known

Message for Oct. 7, 2011
Delays are not always causes for concern and irritation, because sometimes it may be a blessing or a distraction so you won’t be in a place or a situation where you ought not to be in. Do not get angry for small delays or inconveniences, use it as a break to talk to Me, a gap or a breather to de-stress yourself from the tension of the moment.

Don’t become so obsessed with time or catching up with it because time by itself just moves smoothly, following it’s own rhythm.  No one can stop time, but Me and when your time stops, it means you are no longer alive, so don’t be in a hurry to meet the end of your time.

Make good use of your time, but don’t make it your master.  Manage your time well, but don’t let it manage you well instead. Go with the rhythm of time, don’t go against it because it is futile.  Time always moves forward, never looking back or resetting itself, so follow it, be forward minded.

What is past is past, an irrevocable past. What is important is the present moment, which also becomes quickly a past when the moment is gone. Look forward always, believing in My promise that I will always be there to provide for your every need all the time!

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