Thursday, October 20, 2011

Taking Care of God's Temple

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Sleep, our body needs rest
Eight hours at the most
To recuperate from the day’s  loss
Deep sleep at  night
For our body to  rejuvenate

Message for Oct. 20, 2011
Sleep deprivation is common nowadays because of different work schedules to maximize productivity and profit. What a different world, men has made for themselves, enriching their pockets but draining their bodies.  For some, it is the only means to earn an income so despite the inconvenience and ill health effects, they just continue otherwise they and their families will starve.

Sadly, I don’t have a better solution for that because that is how the modern world has evolved. My advice is that you nourish your body with good nutrition to compensate for what is naturally lost due to lack of sleep and the disruption of the body system which on it’s own produces hormones, enzymes and nutrients that is right for the body’s metabolism.

Exercise is also important, don’t forget to make it a part of your daily routine, especially if your work confines you to your desk and the computer. Tone your muscles with exercise to keep it supple and the circulation routes open. Take good care of your body, it is My temple. 

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