Sunday, October 2, 2011

Relax, smile, keep your cool ...

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Stress I try not to give in
Though at times I do cave in
Relax, stay cool I tell myself
But it is stressful  itself
Reigning myself in

Message for Oct. 3, 2011.
Stress is a strain to your body, so be careful that you don’t over react to situations because it will just make you sick.  Be relaxed and keep your cool, don’t forget that I am always with you.

When your duties and responsibilities overwhelm you, it means you are taking so many chores for yourself.  Delegate some of them to others. Filial responsibility should be shared by siblings, not entrusted to only one. Let the others be aware of their responsibility too!

Focus on your work, offer it to Me so that you will be determined to do your best even if it seems to be trying at times.

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