Monday, October 10, 2011

Caring for our parents

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Honor your father and your mother
So the Bible says
We must obey this commandment
Difficult  it may be  at times
Offer to the heavens our sighs and tears
Hoping for the reward in heaven
At the end of our days

Message for Oct. 9, 2011.
Parental obligations, is as I’ve said earlier a shared responsibility of siblings, not a sole responsibility of a brother or sister.  If there is only one doing the work for all, then the others should support financially or physically so as not to place undue burden to the sibling looking after their parents. But, if the rest of the siblings does not share in the financial expenses and in caring for their parents, the blessings of this noble role goes to the one who had sacrificed their comfort to be able to look  after their aging parents.

Do not despair if the burden seems to be greater than your capacity to endure sacrifice for a parent. Treat them well, even if they seem unappreciative of what you are doing. Persevere in doing what is good and think of Me, offer it all to Me.  That is the only way for you to bear the uncalled for malice and criticism that sometimes they may say to you. 

Think of the Holy Virgin Mary, offer it to her too. We look kindly on those who are serving their parents well. Your reward will be in heaven, My children.  Do not despair, do not hate your mother or your father for being a burden to you now.  Think of what they did to you when you were still young.  Their physical limitations are frustrating them and they knowingly or unknowingly vent their helplessness to those who are with them constantly.

It may be a miserable situation, but you just have to endure and love them more. You can do it, My children think of what My Son endured for all of you and you will realize that your sacrifice is so small compared to His. A good and loving Christian shows love even in an unappreciated and difficult situation. 

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