Thursday, October 20, 2011

Control Your Life

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Take control of your life
Always remember that
Whoever angers you, controls you

Message for Oct. 19, 2011.
Deep breathing exercises will calm you down, try it to de-stress yourselves and say with every inhalation, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus come to me” and with every exhalation, “take all the conflicts in me.”

Don’t allow stress to affect your day and your health because all these negativity will affect your body system. Learn how to get rid of those unnecessary ill feelings to avoid getting sick. Prioritize things that should be done, so that it won’t crowd you in, making you flustered and harassed with all the demands you allow yourself to be subjected to. Learn how to delegate some responsibilities to others, prioritize those that needs immediate attention and let the other chores wait for another day.

Don’t let others dictate how you should spend your day. Take control of your life, you are answerable to no one but Me!

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