Thursday, October 20, 2011

Respecting time

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Time ticks fast
For me and you
Respect my time
And so will I of yours

Message for Oct. 17, 2011.
The demands for our time and finances are always unpredictable, but do not get rattled when someone suddenly wants your attention. Be kind and patient, always.  Do not be irritated and hurt their feelings unreasonably because they don’t know what you were preoccupied with. Tell them that during praying or working hours for you, they should learn to hold in abeyance their  personal concerns. They should know how to respect those times that you have specifically set as your important hours.

Sometimes, people forget where they are supposed to be and cross the boundaries that you’ve set in your waking hours. Just be clear to them about this. Although being Christian should be marked by being available to others always, there should be respect for each other’s time always because each of you have tasks to accomplish. They should remember that and not usurp your time for their own goals.

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