Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Message for June 30, 2011.
Forgiveness doesn't mean you automatically fall back into each other's good relationship as if nothing happened. A cautious period sets in, to see if what each other promised not to do won't be repeated again. That is understandable, but if the cautious period extends until forever without making any effort to further it for the good, then, it is no longer right.

Try to forgive and start anew, as if you've just known each other with the lesson you learned from your misunderstanding a guiding point. Don't forgive bur still resent, that is not forgiveness, that is nor how we forgive you. Remember when you've failed me several times? Did I withhold my love for you? Did I stop providing and looking out for you? I didn't, and that's what you should do to everyone you have a misunderstanding with.
Message for June 29, 2011.
Be kind to all my creatures, humans, animals, plants, everything I've made. They are all special and have specific roles in My creation.

Don't torture these helpless creatures who depend on humans for their food. Pets are there to make you smile, to remind you that a God made it especially for you. No, they just didn't come into your life by accident, they were ordained to be your pet. Cats and dogs are the usual house pets, but there are others too who need your love and attention. Lizards, snakes and crocodiles are mine but sometimes they are used by the evil one to spy on you. No, just joking, they are special creatures too with special needs and attention.

For every animal, insect or plant I make, there is a marked difference in their make-up. It would be interesting for man to find out about it. What you've discovered is not yer half of what I've made, not even one fourth. I've made so many things for man to help him in his earthly existence, but sadly in his ignorance destroyed what could have been most helpful to him.

The advances of science has pushed man back to a hundred or more years because he destroyed what he considered insignificant creatures in insignificant lands he converted for his own plans. What a shame! Environmentalism is a growing concern, yes, but as long as the leaders always balances it against the economy, then soon everything I've made for man will be replaced by man-made structures, and what a puny insolence to think they have the right to destroy what was for the human good!
Message for June 28, 2011.

Tomorrow is another day, make use of today very well because it won't come back anymore, everything will be a memory, a part of your past. If you want to have good memories, good moments, making use of your time well, will comprise your memories.

The phrase, "Don't worry about tomorrow, it has enough worries of it's own," is true, also that of someone worrying if it will add another day to their life. You know, all you are responsible of, is the present, the future is not yet yours and the past is already gone, nothing and no one can bring it back as it was.

The present is all yours to make a pretty picture canvass for the future.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Poisonous doubt

Message for June 27, 2011.
Doubt is like poison that slowly eats up the faith and trust stored in your heart. When you believe in something or someone, believe truly with an open heart for love and kindness to fill it. Don't entertain doubts and suspicions because they are like worms that eat away the foundation of your love. When you doubt, it will make your mind conjure images that will ran away out of control if you continue to harbor it inside yourself.

Think positive, think of no wrong so it won't come your way. You are inviting bad things to yourself when you keep on doubting. You worry, you suspect, you judge wrongly, you become warped in your judgement. Always strive to look at things in the good light, if you sense something wrong, try to look for the reason why there is a discrepancy in what you believe and what you see.

There is always a reason for things that happen in your life. Don't dwell on the bad aspect, look beyond it and you will see the good that I want you to see. Don't focus on the bad because the more you will see the badness about it. Flip it, turn it over sideways, back, round and round. View it at different perspectives and then you will be able to judge the situation as it really is.

Don't be rash in giving your judgement. Be still and be calm for a moment, for in the silence of your heart when you call on Us, we will open your eyes, your mind and your heart to what we want you to see and you will be guided to do the right thing for the benefit of everyone in your life and your neighbors. Always consider your actions and it's effect to those around you, because you are not alone in this world. What you do, will ultimately affect other people in time.

So, consider every situation you are in with the eyes of a believer, who knows the ways of God and whose aim is to bring other people to My kingdom. That is everyone's role, everyone's mission. Your path all leads to Me but the roads will differ.`

Want to belong?

Message for June 26, 2011.
To bear fruits is to know your gifts and making good use of it. Discover yourself and your abilities, you will be surprise at how many things you can do which you thought you can't do. Set aside a time for doing this, you will find it a novel experience.

Modern man has allowed the world to dictate to them how to spend their time. They are lured by malls, resorts or travel that seldom do they spend time to just be by themselves. Why is it that man is afraid to be alone? Everyone seems to want to be part of the mad rush to be "in" among their peers, especially the younger generation. They always want to be somewhere else other than their place.

Are they afraid of their guilt catching up on them in the quietness of their own? Are they fearful of time to pass by without them enjoying it to the fullest? This mad scramble to be on top, to be noticed is such a crazy idea that wears them down.

They, you, only have to please ME, why are they trying to please everyone that doesn't matter? Yes, to "belong, but to whom? Certainly, not to Me. I have far simpler rules for you to become a member of My kingdom, inexpensive too!

To belong this world is expensive and time consuming for activities that don't matter to My kingdom. What a sorry state, these misguided people have become. For all of you, my children, come spend time with Me everyday to discern the so many talents I have given you and use them to spread the good news of My kingdom. You will belong to heaven for eternity, without membership fees to pay annually.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Looking at a situation

Blackaby's devotional for today states that there are two ways to look at every situation: How it will affect you and how it will affect God's kingdom.

Usually, our first initial concern would be how the situation will affect us, our family, friends and reputation. Seldom do we look at things on it's affect to God's kingdom. Well, maybe if we are besieged with a series of challenges then, and only then will we pause and question, "what does God want me to know about this situation?"

It is said that the apostle, Paul took every circumstance that he was in, to spread the word of God. Whether he was in prison, besieged by an angry mob, shipwrecked on an island or before the presence of a king during criminal proceedings to defend himself, he took every opportunity to share God's good news of salvation.

Maybe, if we stop considering how a situation will affect us, we can take part in God's activity in blessing others through our circumstance.

Message for June 25, 2011.
Regrets come after events or actions that you thought were right but turned differently from your expectations. "What happened?", you will ask and torment yourself with the image of your mistake going round and round your mind.

What happened? You were impulsive, you did not think right, you did not include Me in your plans. There is much difference in doing things on your own and doing things with Me. Your limitation as a human being narrows your perspective of things through your biases and perception.

In everything, make it a habit to include Me as your consultant. Is it difficult to ask for My help? You only have to pray to the Holy Spirit to enlighten you and we will come in full support. When you say, "in Jesus name" and you have invoked the Holy Spirit, will I be far behind? No, the three of us will help you with your plea.

Hearing your cry for help, gives us pleasure because you are acknowledging your weakness and our strength. Make it a habit to consciously call on Us, make Us part of your day, obey our instructions and nothing can make Us more happy in being needed and included in your moments of living. Think how light it would be for you if we are helping you, everything will be like a breeze but it doesn't mean you won't encounter trials. There will be trials, because without them life will be boring and monotonous, won't it?

So, keep your head up above the challenges you are encountering now, call on Us and We will help you swim through the rough waters into the shore for awhile.

You know, life is like the tide on the beach, there is high tide and low tide. A time to go forward and a time to retreat, it is a rhythm that can't go on always, there is always a drawback, a side step, a pirouette, a march, a cadenza, a slow motion which contribute to making living a wonderful experience.

Dance with life, enjoy its rhythm and remember Me always with every performance.

Friday, June 24, 2011

His answer is, "NO"

When do we stop praying for something we are wishing for? Is there a time limit to our prayers so that we will know that God's answer is, No?

With this dilemma, this Bible verse comes to mind, "You pray for something and you do not get it because you pray with the wrong motive of indulging your pleasures" (James 4:3).

We must be careful then of what we pray for because the Lord sees through our hearts and our minds and if we are asking for something that will only benefit ourselves then His answer will be, "No" even if we crucify ourselves on a cross.

Message for June 24, 2011.
When the answer to your prayer is, "No", there must be a reason why I refused to give in to your pressure of prayers, novenas and fasting. Sometimes I yield to your wishes for you to experience why I didn't like to grant your wishes at first. Regrettably, the lesson will be painful for you and others in the end.

You should always consider that My perspective is wider and eternal than yours, so entrust every thing to Me so you won't have regrets later on.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mature age, mature faith?

Message for June 23, 2011.
Remember your parents in their senior years. You owe them your gratitude for bringing you into the world, for nurturing, for your education and for who you've become. Although, they also have their failures and inconsistencies that you will realize later in your mature years in the faith, teach them what you know.

Don't mock or ridicule their old fashioned ideas and misconceptions because it is not ignorance, merely their immaturity in their faith. For some, maturity in age doesn't mean they have grown in their faith too. Faith doesn't grow with each trial that you've encountered and won if the grace of the Holy Spirit is not with you. Faith is a gift and if it is not given to someone then it will be impossible for them to know what it is.

They may say they believe but they will always be anxious. Trials are meant to teach you about putting your faith in Me but if you consider it as your own personal struggle then you have completely missed the point of the exercise.

For you to be blessed with faith, lay down your personal confidence of yourself, surrender in humility to My will, be a sheep in my sheep hold. One doesn't need two shepherds. Be a sheep, meek and gentle, always looking up to the shepherd, for by doing so you will experience the Shepherd's provision and loving kindness.

Parents should not be so proud of their years, that they can no longer bend and adapt to change. They should make an effort to grow their faith with their years.

A man full of confidence with his self worth will be blinded to the truth of his weakness, but a man who acknowledges his weakness and dependence on Me will grow with his faith.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

God's voice in us

Abraham believed what God promised to give him; a land to possess and descendants as many as the stars in the sky despite his advanced years. His belief greatly pleased God because despite his age, there was still hope for the impossible and a heartfelt readiness to do what God wanted him to do.

If God calls us to leave and set out for another country and tells us that we will have children even if we are way past the biological clock of childbearing, will we readily believe? I think with our modern way of thinking, we will dismiss it as nonsense and just disregard the message. Why? because I would feel unworthy to be spoken to by God himself. Does He really speak to us?

Message for June 22, 2011
In the quiet of your heart and the stillness of your mind, you can hear Me speak. Come, don't worry give them all to Me for I alone know how to work out your troubles perfectly. Just believe and have faith in Me and you will never be in want. Trust Me, make Me as real as your friends whom you seek for counsel.

I am in your heart always, so keep it free of the clutter, sweep out the negative emotions that are crowding Me in, let me breathe and surface from the muck that you have dumped inside your heart. Clean your heart, so it will be like mine. I know it will not be easy but if you sincerely try, the Holy Spirit will help you. Make a conscious effort to really be free of your fears, resentment, pride, envy and all other hidden negative emotions.

A clean and good heart is My perfect dwelling place, the way to My kingdom. It is when your heart is clean and pure that I will shine through and My goodness and love will come to you. Guard your hearts zealously, let nothing enter and settle in it that will stifle My voice and love in you.

Monday, June 20, 2011

God's silence

I pray that God will always be in my life, that I will never let a day pass by without spending a quiet time with Him. For to lose His grace will make me an awfully lost and lonely soul.

Message for June 21, 2011.
Spiritual famine is the absence of My presence in your life because you have neglected the inner voice that calls out to you to spend time with Me again and again. You may not notice My absence in your life because you are full of confidence with your knowledge, material wealth, good health, friends and family. You don't need Me when you are feeling that you are on top of the world, invincible, superior and lord of your dominion.

But, what happens when I would suddenly take something of value from you? You will then come to Me and at first, I will pretend not to notice you. I will test the reason why suddenly you are down on your knees imploring My help, beseeching My presence in your life after years of detachment from the source of everything you are enjoying. I will probe your heart to see if you now realize My importance in your life.

If your submission to your need of Me is only temporary, I will continue to plague you with misfortune until on bent knees and a purified heart you will cry out, "My Lord and My God, come to me."

Tempering the tongue

Losing my cool because of a senseless remark, ruined my special time with God yesterday. A troubled and agitated heart is not worthy of His loving presence, so I kept away.

Message for June 20, 2011
Hold down your temper, strive to be always cool and collected because you will lose your perspective if you are consumed with anger. Don't let the small things bother you from achieving the greater task.

Temper and confrontation always result in speaking words and doing things that you will regret later and a ruined relationship. Be careful with your tongue, it can lash out like a whip to an emotional soul, for after your quarrel the words will continue to be heard in their minds, replayed several times and it will make them cry silently.

Be gentle always with your words, control your tongue with the strictest discipline, for it is easy to blurt out words of hurt than retrieve the hurt that you've caused. Temper should be controlled and kept in a tight rein, for it is when you've lost your temper that the tongue gets wayward.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Praying but not believing

When we pray for something that we think is quiet difficult to have, at the back of our minds we already have a plan A and a plan B just in case we don't get what we are praying for. We pray and try to make ourselves believe that we believe in what we are asking for but the niggling doubt persists and we have our fall back plan in place.

God sees our struggle to believe entirely in His provision although time and again He has proven that He provides our needs just in time, but our desire to be in control of our lives the way we want it to, makes it difficult to readily hand over the reins to someone we don't see and hear.

The state of doubt and our reluctance to submit our will to God are exactly what He does not want in us when we pray to Him. It is said that when we pray, we are lifting our spirits to Him, so that His will, will become ours too, but we are doing the opposite, we pray so that our will, will become His will too!

Isn't it time to change our prayer attitude?

Message for June 19, 2011.
Praying but not believing is in everyone's heart. How many people exhaust themselves in praying novenas, rosaries, stations of the cross and other devotions but do not really believe their prayers will be answered? If only I can let them see their hearts, I would, so that they can change it.

A heart full of doubt, will not receive the request that they long for. You can not deceive Me with your "lip" praying because I see beyond it. Change your heart first, believe that whatever you ask in Jesus name that will make you a better person and will benefit the people around you also will be granted in time.

It may not be in the specific form that you wished it answered, you may not recognize it at first as My answer to your prayer but it will answer the need that you've been praying for. Do not close your eyes to the possibilities of my answer to your prayer, there are many ways and instruments that I can call on to help you.

But before that, just believe and have no doubt in your hearts that I will provide for you and that I, as your shepherd looks after my sheep's welfare always. Take that promise seriously and be worry free.

Parenting mother

When we were children, we looked up to our parents and elder relatives for their wisdom especially our mother. We follow what they do and say because they are our role models.

When they grow old and we have experienced life as it truly is, we realize that some of their decisions and beliefs are not right, so we set out to correct it. Sometimes, this will cause conflict, resentment and misunderstanding because being set on their ways they don't like their position to be questioned by someone younger than them. While being younger and more exposed to the world through education, exposure and interaction, we would like them to see the world in a more progressive and open mindset to appreciate life more.

Sadly, doing what we think may be good for them will not be appreciated for the good that we intend it to be and we become bad in their eyes.

Message for June 17, 2011.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mothers' are to be the guiding light in every home. She is the role model for her children in doing what I expect My children to do in answer to My call. Don't be bound to your family when I call you to serve me. Be like the first apostles Peter, James and John who immediately followed Me and left their boat at the lake to follow Me.

This is what I am looking for unconditional love and service.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mighty Paul

The first reading for today is about the apostle Paul boasting a little of himself because there were people who wants to put him down by comparing him with other prophets.

He was aware of his inadequacy as a speaker but that didn't stop him from preaching the Good News to the pagans. He endured so many hardships and persecutions but his unwavering faith made him strong in his weakness.

What a mighty apostle, Saint Paul was!

Message for June 17, 2011.
Believe in yourself and the talents you have. You are as good as your imagination wants you too. Strive hard to overcome your negative fears and paint a brighter picture of yourself.

Why be timid when the Holy Spirit is ready to assist you in whatever undertaking you do in My kingdom? Be emboldened by the knowledge that you have the full force of the Holy Spirit in your life when you are acting for My kingdom.

Do not hesitate, do not doubt and trust in yourself, the Holy Spirit and the Father who looks kindly on you, His child.

Be prepared for bigger roles when you have accomplished the simple ones for they are your training ground for more challenging roles. Believe and have faith, you will have God's saving power to help you always.

Perfectly stressed

Trying to do something perfectly right can be downright frustrating especially when you are pressed for time and all the pressure is on you to make something out of what you are doing.

Stress is a very negative force that upsets our body chemistry in the long run, therefore, it should be avoided at all times if possible.

Message for June 16, 2011.
Wanting to be perfect in everything is commendable, but it will be a frustrating task that will lead to heartbreak and dissension. Nobody is perfect and nothing is perfect in this world. There are always little flaws to make something or someone stand out in a crowd. These little flaws make you human, for if you are perfect in everything, you will be like God, like us.

Although, everyone of you are heirs to My kingdom, you won't have the same legacy with My only Son. To him belongs the glory that is only fit for Him, My right-hand man, the Savior of the world. As co-heirs, you share dominion over the earth, the bounty of My resources, everything in this world belong to all of you.

No one has exclusive right over anything here on earth. You are all tenants and stewards, so don't be selfish and accumulate properties that ought to be shared.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The third party

It is often my regret at the end of the day that I opted not to do something that I should have done in consideration of something to do for the family or to be with a family member in a rare time of family bonding. Mindful of living the moment with loved ones, I try not to pass up on spending time with them because we don't know it might be the last for us to be together.

In doing so, I totally forget that it might also be the last time for me to do God's assignment too. In making your decisions, what are your priorities? Is it God, family and career in that order or are you like me choosing family, career and a nebulous God inserted in between after the decision had been made?

Message for June 15, 2011.

"Two is company, three is a crowd," is it? If I am the third person, does it mean that I am crowding you in? If you include Me in your decisions, plans and choices, I am the one who keeps your relationship together, your decisions and choices will be fair and just because you will be making them according to My will.

Don't be afraid or forget to include Me in everything that you do, I always take pleasure in being consulted and it is how it is supposed to be.

No one lives by himself alone, his efforts are not enough to sustain him. Everyone need my grace to be sufficient in everything, not only in material wealth.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Doing right in His eyes

Loving those who have mistreated us is not an easy thing to do but the Gospel for today says, we should love our enemies. If we only love those who are good and kind to us, there is not much challenge in it, is there? So, it doesn't bring much good to our character, we don't grow in the virtues of patience, humility and compassion.

To love those whom we dislike is a labor of love for God our Father, in order to please Him and be righteous in His eyes. By forcing ourselves to love, we open our eyes and our hearts to see the inherent goodness of a person and if we truly reach out and they can see the sincerity of our gesture, the tension will slowly fade in time.

Message for June 14, 2011.

The righteousness of an individual never gets lost on Me in the sea of unjust and evil people. It stands out like a diamond in the mud and smells sweet in the putrid area of corruption. No one should take the walk of least resistance to current world situations and circumstances to avoid being bullied and rejected. Anyone who stands up to such harassment will be greatly rewarded in heaven like Noah.

He was a good man in the most challenging of times when idol worship and perverse sexual pleasures were enacted. But Noah stood his ground of righteousness, he was firm in his resolve to be righteous before God's eyes and he was amply rewarded. He and his family were the only ones saved after the terrifying flood.

Noah's story should be an inspiration for everyone to do good, even when surrounded by evil because God doesn't close His eyes to a single person who is doing what pleases Him. No one gets unnoticed in their struggle to please the Lord. No one is crying in a dark empty corner that cannot be heard by God.

God sees everything and everyone, He will pick up and save those who have labored to be righteous in His eyes in a sea of evil people and amply reward them.

The value of time and obedience

While copying the daily Bible readings for June 13 up to June 30 from EWTN, I came across these beautiful sayings from St. Augustine.

"God would not urge us to ask, unless He were willing to give."

"If God seems slow in responding, it is because He is preparing a better gift. He will not deny us. God witholds what you are not yet ready for. He wants you to have a lively desire for His greatest gifts. All of which is to say, pray always and do not lose heart."

Check the EWTN site for more beautiful daily reflections.
Value time as if you have no tomorrow, cherish each moment as if it is your last.

When doing your assignment, do not procrastinate, obey immediately because time doesn't wait for no one. Although, I control the time and have made provisions in case some of my soldiers will fail to do their assignment on time, I am saddened at how some take their instructions lightly.

Why don't they have a high regard for the highest authority just because I am unseen? For sure, if I am the head of their offices, they will obey all instructions with alacrity post haste. For human leaders, you jump at the snap of their fingers, but for me, you lie down first or do something else before finally doing what I ask of you to do.

Be like Mary, Joseph and all the other saints who obeyed immediately and said, "thy will be done."
Is it so difficult to expect from My children now? Have they drifted far apart from Me or have they taken Me for granted?

Obedience is all I ask of you, please do so immediately and wholeheartedly.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pentecost Sunday

It's Pentecost Sunday and the Bible readings for today are about the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in the early church. When the apostles who were closeted in a room suddenly spoke in different languages, it caused an uproar with the people who heard them who came from different countries.

Speaking a foreign language that is different from the Galilean language was miraculous for these simple apostles and it amazed everyone who heard them. But the real miracle according to the Bible commentary was not the apostles' gift of tongues but how the Good News was spread to the foreigners who heard the apostles speak in their own native tongues.

Clearly God wanted everyone to know the Good News, it was not only for the apostles and the Jews. Salvation is for everyone who believes in Jesus Christ as the Son of God made man.

Message for June 12, 2011.
Pentecost Sunday is a remembrance of how the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles. A breath of life, fire from heaven, tongues of fire, these are just a few manifestations of how the Holy Spirit becomes visible to all human kind.

The Spirit of God is everywhere, it rides with the wind, floats like the clouds, a particle smaller than an atom that fits itself in every crevice of the world. My spirit is the magic that holds all things together in its place.

Give thanks then to the Holy Spirit, who keeps you whole. It is sad that the Holy Spirit is not given much importance in My church by My people. Plenty still forget or don't know how the Holy Spirit works within them, in them and for them.

The Holy Spirit brings cohesion, renewal and dynamism to My church. Nothing can be done without the Holy Spirit in your midst. Give glory and praise then to the third divine person in Me, the Holy Spirit.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Acting like Jonah

Our stubbornness will ultimately lead us to our downfall if we continually have eyes that do not see and have ears that do not hear. Resistance is the best defense for something you are unsure of or of the unknown.

Obeying "the call" is a leap of faith down to a deep, deep ravine of uncertainty. When will we learn to let go of the familiar and plunge in surrender to where God wants us to be?

When will I take that jump, Lord without hesitation?

Message for June11, 2011.
Remember the prophet, Jonah? He insisted to do his own way and fled from Me but I took him back to do what I instructed him to do. I could have used other prophets, but I used Jonah so that his misconception about Me and My kingdom will come to light.

He wanted the Ninevites punished because of their wickedness to his people. Jonah thought of only his people, his brethren. He wanted vengeance for the atrocities they suffered from the Ninevites. What a wordly point of view! I, the Father of all creation looks out for everyone, big or small, believer or non-believer because they all belong to Me. If I am a corporate man, I will always be guided by the common good for the most individuals, not just for a few.

Jonah's view was parochial, mine is universal. And so it is with My decisions in the lives of all of you. Whatever prayers and petitions I grant to you will not only be for yourself, but for the benefit of those around you. Think of it like that. If I give in to your selfish desires, what good will it bring to you and the others?

Friday, June 10, 2011

What have you sown?

As I was contemplating the cross on the monstrance displayed at the prayer room of our church, it came to me that my life's journey maybe at it's juncture. Confused whether to go left or right or simply straight up to the tip of the cross where surely Jesus is, I go round and round in circles battling with my dreams and desires against God's instructions.

The journey had been long and thorny from the foot of the cross to the junction and from there to the tip, it seems shorter but why do I dilly dally? Why is it difficult to cross over that juncture to the opposite side? There is a saying in our national language that is loosely translated as, "If you like something there are so many ways to do it, but if you don't, there are so many reasons not to do it."

Isn't it true? I am guilty of it.

Message for June 10, 2011.
The fruitfulness of life depends on how you prepare for it. As the saying goes, you reap what you have sown. Therefore, if you haven't sown anything, why will you expect that you have something to reap later on?

Prepare for life as if you are going to a battle. Equip yourself with the necessary tools and teachings so that you will fare well when you are in the battlefield. A soldier will not last long in warfare if he doesn't have something to defend himself, no skills to draw on to be used for survival.

Life is like a battlefield, it is necessary that you are equipped with moral values and teachings that are so impregnable that the enemy will find it frustrating to win against you. If you haven't sown to equip yourself with Bible verses, daily prayer, fasting and meditation it will be so easy for the evil one to topple you over by means of trials and tribulations in life.

The daily battle of every Christian is the persistent call of the evil one to lead you astray. Steep yourself in My teachings and follow My way closely and the evil one will continually hound you. Therefore, it is necessary for those who are for called special roles in My kingdom to be really vigilant against his wiles. The sweet and pure scent of the righteous is irresistible and sought after by the prince of darkness, so it is understandable that he would relentlessly pursue those whom I've chosen to do special roles.

Sow good thoughts, good actions and good works to everyone and you will reap abundant harvest from My kingdom. A harvest of love, blessing, prosperity and goodwill will fill you throughout your life.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Healing touch

I've been having this bum tummy the last few days which is making me very uncomfortable and irritable with the vomiting, diarrhea and the dull ache in my upper stomach. Still feeling the same after taking medicines, I asked a masseuse whom I've known for years for a massage to help in releasing the gas lurking in my stomach.

After our first session on Monday, I felt relief from the gas pain and was on soft diet because I don't know what made my tummy upset. Last night, I ate more than usual and ate food I shouldn't have eaten considering my tummy condition because it was the "despedida" party for a friend who was going back to the States. So, late last night till early dawn I was vomiting and had loose bowel movement which made me feel so weak.

Early this morning, I had another massage session and it really gave such a relief, I fell asleep after it. Litlet was trained by Thai monks to do a massage and she's been a great help to me, my family and our neighbors. For only one hundred pesos (P100.00) she gives a whole body massage better than those given in spas.

Message for June 9, 2011.
The healing touch I have given to a few of you is a gift that should be shared and not to be use for monetary gain. It is a gift freely given, so in the same spirit it should be returned back.

The money you will be given is for your time spent in healing because time cannot be taken back. Think of it like that. Don't be miserly in giving to someone who have helped you with your sickness, especially if they are not professional doctors. If a medical doctor asks for a consultation fee for the few minutes that they probe and ask questions, how much more those who labored to minister you with their hands?

Treat them fairly, for some it is their source of income even though it maybe very inconvenient for them and their families. The true healers do not demand the amount they are to be given, they just depend on your generosity and understanding, so treat them well and fairly.

You can distinguish those who are using their gifts for material gain and those who are using it to give glory and honor to My name. While the former has accumulated riches because of the money they extort from the ill, the latter remains poor and simple.

Give generously from a grateful heart because in giving to them, you become a part in the cycle of giving and sharing of talents.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Catholic mannerisms

When I hear someone say, "God bless" and the expression in their eyes doesn't seem to be sincere, I feel awkward and uncomfortable what to say in reply. For some it has become a habit to say those words or end letters with it. Do they really mean it? Why not say, "May God bless you" instead?

If we are really into giving someone a blessing why not say it the right way, meaning full sentence structure? Okay, I'm not an English expert just making a mountain out of a molehill out of a copycat's "idea" of a "blessed" parting remark to friends and associates.

The words, "God Bless" and making the sign of the cross when passing a church are just a few mannerisms or habit that we acquire from our interaction with other Catholics. Is it really necessary and do we understand why we are doing it?

Message for today, June 8, 2011.

Blessing others with God's peace blesses you too, but you shouldn't do it casually as you often hear as, "God bless" in imitation of those who sincerely wish you My blessings. There are those who say it as lip service, not really heartily wishing you well.

When you say, "God bless" to someone or anyone, mean it with all of your heart and the blessings will return to you a hundredfold. So bless people that way, so you will feel blessed many times.

There are people who do the sign of benediction every time they pass by a church or stand in front of my altar, but do they really understand what they are doing? Chances are they are just copying what others are doing and finding it a pious act making the person holy or righteous in their mind, they want to be looked on the same way.

One should not copy the act of another without understanding its meaning. The sign of the cross is an expression of your belief in the Holy Trinity. By crossing yourself when you pass by a church, you acknowledge My presence there. You should cross yourself if you have the inclination to do so, solemnly not hurriedly.

You don't have to do that, I did not order it to be done but someone started it and someone liked it and others liked it too, so the sign of the veneration when passing by a church became the fashion so to speak of pious Catholics. A simple bowing of the head with a whispered prayer will do, nothing showy, nothing distinct to set you apart from the rest.

I don't want My children to act like the Pharisees of old. I prefer My children to be quiet, simple and humble but full of loving kindness and compassion for their neighbors and brothers. That is the way, I prefer My children to copy and follow, not the outward signs of piety.

Doubting His will

Remember Jonah the prophet who refused to do what God ordered him to do because he didn't find His orders to his liking? I have often acted like Jonah and every time I do so, sheepishly I will do what was ordered after so many obstacles that left me frustrated.

Why is it difficult to obey? Why do we insist on our plans and dreams and not His? For me, it is because I doubt if He is really "talking" to a sinner like me and it seems His way takes longer than what I wanted. Of course, after a time I will realize my way was much longer than if I had obeyed Him immediately.

Message for June 7, 2011.
To do your will despite knowing what you are supposed to do deserves punishment. That is why you are faced with different obstacles and trials because you refuse to obey Me. I have given you explicit instructions as to what you are to do, obey without question. Put all your trust in My promise.

Don't doubt because I can see through your heart and mind. Believe in what you are set to do and do it well because by doing so gives Me honor and glory. Do not be dissuaded by your human perception of how things are to be done. Don't listen to friends' advices even if they are well meaning because they don't know what you have been assigned to do.

Trust in Me and yourself. Your mission is your own, no one else can do it for you because you all have different assignments in My kingdom. Obey what you've been instructed to do and I will reward you according to your faith.

Pray even when you're sick

Getting sick sometimes make us forget saying our daily prayers. You want to pray but feel disinclined, bothered by whatever is ailing you at the moment. You think of God, you call on Him but it's not the usual prayer that you do. It is a harried prayer and all you can think of is the pain or fever wracking your body.

Have you ever considered your sick moments as a time to listen to Him? Maybe, it's His way of making us stop and seek His council.

Message for June 6, 2011.
Praying should be a regular activity that doesn't depend on your mood and your health. If you don't feel like praying and succumb to what you feel, you forfeit the blessings intended for you on that day.

Pray even if you are physically weak. The more you should try harder to pray. A few minutes of talking with Me will suffice. A "thank you" and "forgive me Lord" will make My heart happy knowing that you still remember Me.

Rosaries and novenas cannot be said properly and devotedly when someone is in pain, so it is a time for you to listen to Me. Praying is not always mumbling memorized prayers. There should also be a time for Me to speak and you to listen. That is why you are sometimes made to be sick because it is only the time supposedly that you are laid back on your bed with your eyes up to Me.

But then sick people are more worried about their health, their medicines, their finances that they seldom find time for Me in their supine position. Instead of relying on My providence they still insist on relying on their own strength, finances, relatives and friends.

I wonder why it is so difficult for some to trust and call on Me? They depend on themselves and other people who are just mortals like them, why not Me?

Sunday Mass

Some Catholics including me sometimes don't attach much importance on attending Holy Mass regrettably. The once a week meeting with our Lord is sometimes forgotten or chosen over something trivial in comparison to being with Him.

I am guilty of doing that in many occasions over the years. Sometimes, I will promise to attend Holy Mass the following day but won't be able to do so or I will promise to pray three decades of the Holy Rosary but will also fail.

Why should we attend Sunday Mass and keep our promise if we fail to do so?

Message for June 5, 2011.
Attending Holy Mass is important for every Catholic's life, most especially Sunday Mass. For once a week, I look forward to seeing you in My house.

If you fail to attend Holy Mass on Sunday and promise to attend Mass the following day, make sure you do what you have promised. If you fail to do that, it is best that you don't promise Me anything at all so that you won't be held accountable for your words. Remember that for every word, thought and action you are accountable for them. Just don't promise because I know what lies ahead of you. It is better that you do things without making a promise because it will gladden My heart than a promise that is left undone.

Sunday, is My day so set aside all your works and dedicate the day for Me alone. Make it a time for prayer, catching up with your Bible readings and doing activities that are relative to Me.

Holier than thou?

A statement from Blackaby's devotional says that we are quick to question the motives of others but slow to question our own. Why do we do that? Do we consider ourselves holier because we spend more hours praying compared to them?

Heres' the message for June 4, 2011
Holiness is not being pious and righteous outwardly. It means the cleanliness of heart and mind from evil motives and desires.

If one wants to be holy, then one should control himself on what enters his thoughts. Discipline will play a great part in holiness. If you don't have discipline and don't know how to put yourselves in proper order all the time, you will eventually be led astray with evil thoughts that are lurking in everything, ready to jump in once the opportunity arises.

Be vigilant with your thoughts and emotions, they are the vehicles that evil motives and desires are easily borne into completion. Discipline and self control will help you greatly in becoming holy. Take heed of what I say.


Meeting friends especially when someone comes home from living abroad usually calls for a celebration which usually entails eating out. Not just eating, but "pigging" it out meaning over stuffing one's tummy with the amount and type of food that is not our usual fare.

The result will be indigestion or a bum stomach that bothers you for days.

Here's the message for June 3, 2011.
Gluttony is a sin, you know that? It is a sin against your body, the temple of God. When you over stuff yourself with food, the digestive system overworks itself and release stress hormones that acidifies the natural pH of the stomach.

Doing this everyday will ultimately damage the delicate balance in your digestive system. Although you take medicines, the initial damage will leave a scar that cannot be obliterated over time. It will remain there until a second stimuli will reactivate it.

If the body has experienced gastro-intestinal problems, the past is repetitive of the first.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day's beginning and ending

There are times that we jump out of our beds and cursorily say, "Thank you Lord for another day!" and rush to begin our day because we woke up late. There are also times, we are so tired at the end of our day, that we plop unto our beds and immediately lose consciousness without even a whimper of a, "Thank you Lord, for another day that passed by."

Though we might not want to consciously do that, sometimes we just fail to do so.

What then is the best way to begin and end our day?

Your duty is to Me above all. Start your day with thanksgiving to your Father and creator and end it with praise and repentance for what you failed to do for Me on that day.

Never end your day without giving Me a little of your time because you will forfeit the blessings that I would like to bestow on you for that day. Better still to start your day with attending Holy Mass and receiving Holy Communion. Tremendous blessings will be given to those who daily seeks communion with Me.

There are others who do this but don't enjoy the abundance that I promise to them because their hearts are away from Me. They do these things as part of a ritual, a daily routine, a mechanical thing to do. Sure they may profess deep faith in Me but are they walking My way? Have they changed themselves?

One must wonder why they suffer so if they are serving me with all their hearts and still suffer deprivation.

Lotto anyone?

A lotto game whose jackpot prize has become so big, entices anyone who would like to be bailed out of a financial crisis to bet even at least once to try their chance of winning the jackpot. It is a desperate attempt to get out of a situation fast but the chances of winning is so slim.

I did try betting several times over the years but why don't I ever win? It's always three numbers short. Maybe I need to grow up more to be able to handle the vast amount of money that will come my way or maybe it is not His way.
Lottery is a good thing but, it gives false hope to people. It maybe that the winnings or bets will be given in part to charitable causes but still it is gambling which I do not like. A numbers game or anything that gives a prize for betting is a game of chance. I do not like My children to be fooled by these games for their focus will not be on My provision since they will pray that I will provide them in the form of winning a bet. No, that is not My way, definitely not!

If someone won a game by pure chance as you think, it is not so. I allowed it to happen so that I can provide for someone through that person, a person with a pure heart, a heart willing to give and share his blessings. A person whose character won't be corrupted with the possession of so much money all of a sudden.

There are others who won and lose it as easily as they acquired it, that taught them a lesson. Sure, they experienced material wealth and prosperity, the life of the rich and famous as they dreamt but it was snatched away before it would corrupt them. Man who suddenly has more than he ever dreamed of will ultimately feel so proud of himself that he will become impossible to live with by those who knew him from his humble beginning.

Money is just passing, it can be eaten by moths and will decompose, don't put all your trust and hope in acquiring so much money to answer all your troubles. Have faith in Me in everything because I have more than enough to meet your needs.