Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Meeting friends especially when someone comes home from living abroad usually calls for a celebration which usually entails eating out. Not just eating, but "pigging" it out meaning over stuffing one's tummy with the amount and type of food that is not our usual fare.

The result will be indigestion or a bum stomach that bothers you for days.

Here's the message for June 3, 2011.
Gluttony is a sin, you know that? It is a sin against your body, the temple of God. When you over stuff yourself with food, the digestive system overworks itself and release stress hormones that acidifies the natural pH of the stomach.

Doing this everyday will ultimately damage the delicate balance in your digestive system. Although you take medicines, the initial damage will leave a scar that cannot be obliterated over time. It will remain there until a second stimuli will reactivate it.

If the body has experienced gastro-intestinal problems, the past is repetitive of the first.

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