Monday, June 20, 2011

God's silence

I pray that God will always be in my life, that I will never let a day pass by without spending a quiet time with Him. For to lose His grace will make me an awfully lost and lonely soul.

Message for June 21, 2011.
Spiritual famine is the absence of My presence in your life because you have neglected the inner voice that calls out to you to spend time with Me again and again. You may not notice My absence in your life because you are full of confidence with your knowledge, material wealth, good health, friends and family. You don't need Me when you are feeling that you are on top of the world, invincible, superior and lord of your dominion.

But, what happens when I would suddenly take something of value from you? You will then come to Me and at first, I will pretend not to notice you. I will test the reason why suddenly you are down on your knees imploring My help, beseeching My presence in your life after years of detachment from the source of everything you are enjoying. I will probe your heart to see if you now realize My importance in your life.

If your submission to your need of Me is only temporary, I will continue to plague you with misfortune until on bent knees and a purified heart you will cry out, "My Lord and My God, come to me."

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