Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The third party

It is often my regret at the end of the day that I opted not to do something that I should have done in consideration of something to do for the family or to be with a family member in a rare time of family bonding. Mindful of living the moment with loved ones, I try not to pass up on spending time with them because we don't know it might be the last for us to be together.

In doing so, I totally forget that it might also be the last time for me to do God's assignment too. In making your decisions, what are your priorities? Is it God, family and career in that order or are you like me choosing family, career and a nebulous God inserted in between after the decision had been made?

Message for June 15, 2011.

"Two is company, three is a crowd," is it? If I am the third person, does it mean that I am crowding you in? If you include Me in your decisions, plans and choices, I am the one who keeps your relationship together, your decisions and choices will be fair and just because you will be making them according to My will.

Don't be afraid or forget to include Me in everything that you do, I always take pleasure in being consulted and it is how it is supposed to be.

No one lives by himself alone, his efforts are not enough to sustain him. Everyone need my grace to be sufficient in everything, not only in material wealth.

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