Sunday, June 19, 2011

Parenting mother

When we were children, we looked up to our parents and elder relatives for their wisdom especially our mother. We follow what they do and say because they are our role models.

When they grow old and we have experienced life as it truly is, we realize that some of their decisions and beliefs are not right, so we set out to correct it. Sometimes, this will cause conflict, resentment and misunderstanding because being set on their ways they don't like their position to be questioned by someone younger than them. While being younger and more exposed to the world through education, exposure and interaction, we would like them to see the world in a more progressive and open mindset to appreciate life more.

Sadly, doing what we think may be good for them will not be appreciated for the good that we intend it to be and we become bad in their eyes.

Message for June 17, 2011.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mothers' are to be the guiding light in every home. She is the role model for her children in doing what I expect My children to do in answer to My call. Don't be bound to your family when I call you to serve me. Be like the first apostles Peter, James and John who immediately followed Me and left their boat at the lake to follow Me.

This is what I am looking for unconditional love and service.

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