Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day's beginning and ending

There are times that we jump out of our beds and cursorily say, "Thank you Lord for another day!" and rush to begin our day because we woke up late. There are also times, we are so tired at the end of our day, that we plop unto our beds and immediately lose consciousness without even a whimper of a, "Thank you Lord, for another day that passed by."

Though we might not want to consciously do that, sometimes we just fail to do so.

What then is the best way to begin and end our day?

Your duty is to Me above all. Start your day with thanksgiving to your Father and creator and end it with praise and repentance for what you failed to do for Me on that day.

Never end your day without giving Me a little of your time because you will forfeit the blessings that I would like to bestow on you for that day. Better still to start your day with attending Holy Mass and receiving Holy Communion. Tremendous blessings will be given to those who daily seeks communion with Me.

There are others who do this but don't enjoy the abundance that I promise to them because their hearts are away from Me. They do these things as part of a ritual, a daily routine, a mechanical thing to do. Sure they may profess deep faith in Me but are they walking My way? Have they changed themselves?

One must wonder why they suffer so if they are serving me with all their hearts and still suffer deprivation.

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