Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sunshine and rain

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Sunshine and rain
they are here again
what would life be
without them?

Message for Aug. 31, 2011.

The sun shines for everyone, but not all appreciate it at certain times of their life. The rain pours for everyone, but not all love it like some do. Why do people have different reactions to nature's nurture for it's people? Why do people have different fates? Do you think if the poor of today were rich and today's rich were poor that society might be different?

There is a purpose for the "whys" of the current generation, but they don't see the progression and the wisdom of what they currenntly take for granted now were the efforts of great men destined to lead the way. Life is a relay race, if you were assigned at the head of the race much of the struggle to start your line moving is up to you.

There is much responsibility for frontliners, the ones in the middle pick up the slack and continue, but it is towards the end that troubles arise, because complacent of the lead they have, they no longer feel as driven but start questioning the decisions made by those before them who laid the foundation for what they have now.

There are a few who continue to struggle and improve what was started but there are plenty who just stop, poke around, grumble, whine and complain. These persons blessed with the same sunlight and rain will always be critical, not finding the answer to their problems because their eyes are clouded with doubt, fear and envy. Remove the clouds in your life and appreciate fully the sunshine and the rain that comes and make use of it for the reason that it came.

When the sun shines, go out, play, sow and do all things that will benefit from it's light so that when it hides itself and let the rains come, it will give drink to the parched land, wash and clean what was dirtied, let plants grow and do all the things it was made to do. Sunshine is laughter and happiness in your lives, tears are the rain that will clean your pride to make you remember that you are weak without Me.

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