Thursday, August 11, 2011

Daily moment with God

Message for Aug. 11, 2011.

I am pleased when My children makes an effort to spend time with Me even if they have so many things to do that will take them away from Me. My children, it is good to realize that time spent with Me is the best thing to do than chasing time to do all in your list of "to do" things.

A moment with Me will give you direction, so you won't waste time chasing rainbows. A moment with Me gives you the graces you need for your daily tasks so you will accomplish it well. A moment with Me gives you sufficient strength to finish your tasks. A moment with Me gives you wisdom to see My hand in everything that you do and you will participate in My activity around you.

Don't start your day without Me so you won't have false starts and have to begin all over again. Make this your daily resolution.

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