Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The right persistence

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Message for Aug. 16, 2011.

Persistence is to be commended, but, if you persist in doing something that is getting obviously not right for you, then, it is no longer persistence but hard headedness or obstinacy. Yes, it is right that persistence and perseverance are traits of successful persons, but they know how and when to stop when they realize it is not the right path for them to keep on trying and still be successful.

Don't copy the way of fortune of others because you don't have the same path and you have different missions. Don't be a copy cat, it will never work. Copy instead the good deeds, words and habits of these good and successful people and the kingdom of heaven will be yours and everything good will come your way.

What is important is your perseverance and persistence in cultivating a relationship with Me because I will guide you to a path of success that you won't ever know existed. There are so many doors and windows of opportunities waiting for you to be opened, but you are blinded by the opened windows and doors of others that beckon invitingly to lure you to the wrong way of your own path.

Focus on yourself and Me. Follow Me, not others.

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