Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wait it out...

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Message for Aug. 24, 2011.
Don't be disappointed when an opportunity that seems to be promising, didn't exactly turned out to be what you expected it to be. Not all opportunities come from Me, and not everything that comes is good for you.

Wait out for the next big wave before you plunge and sail on. Life is not about rushing to meet all the chances at once, take the time to observe and know when to make the right move. It is only the foolish who rush headlong into a challenge without preparation.

Be patient and watchful, like a wave, life has its surges, it's troughs, it's peaks and freak waves. Just wait for the right opportunity to come along, so you won't regret not being free to do it when it comes, because you have committed yourself to do something else already.

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