Thursday, September 1, 2011


Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Help does not end
in the money you gave
it is the beginning
of caring and loving
we all should share

Message for Sept. 1, 2011.
You need eight hours of sleep a day for your body's maximum performance, and it has to follow your body clock, sleeping at the hours you are supposed to sleep.

Can you imagine the havoc being done to the system of those who are working for business process outsourcing (BPO)agencies? Working instead of sleeping, and sleeping instead of working is a tough adjustment the body has to make. It is no wonder that My children become sickly, have unhealthy lifestyles and some have lost their values.

I pity My children for having to work like this. BPOs are not helping their own countrymen in an effort to reduce cost and maximize their profits to exploit the labor force of poorer countries, what a shame! In their own countries, they have so many who are unemployed, but they boast that they have helped so many in other countries. Is that right?

Charity begins at home and if you really want to help, see that the person you are helping will not be exposed to something that will harm them. Look beyond the monetary reward you can give them. When you help, help thoroughly so that it will be mutually beneficial for everyone and not just in terms of money.

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