Thursday, September 22, 2011

Prepare for His coming

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Before going to sleep
Ask for forgiveness lest you fall into slumber deep
Not waking for another tomorrow
Causing such sorrow
To an unprepared soul
Who fell into the evil's snare

Message for Sept. 21, 2011.
Being ready means you anticipate what is coming, preparing yourself for an eventuality so that when it comes, you won't get rattled like the five foolish maidens in the parable who did not bring extra oil for their lamps while waiting for the bridegroom to arrive, remember that parable? You should always be like the five wise maidens who brought extra oil knowing that they might need it just in case the bridegroom will not come on time.

I am your bridegroom, prepare yourself for My coming by making your hearts ready. Confession then Holy Communion everyday are essential, but if you can't receive Holy Communion daily for reasons of your own then at least do an Act of Contrition before you go to sleep.

Always silently say sorry in your hearts to Me if you commit something that will displease Me. That is how I want you to prepare yourselves. Ask for My pardon always and to everyone you've offended. Be kind, patient and understanding always to all. Don't ever stop goodness to reign in your hears and minds because that is one way of preparing for My kingdom too.

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