Saturday, September 10, 2011

Obeying NOW

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

is doing it immediately 
not later or tomorrow
but NOW...

Message for Sept. 10, 2011
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Obedience, prompt obedience is always an important factor in following Me. It does not do to delay in obeying Me because there are others who will be affected by your delay. Like a chain reaction that is affected by one's performance so is life. Be quick to respond to My prompts.

When your hearts and minds are attuned to Me it will be easy to discern My voice from other voices. So keep praying, make Me a part of your moments and above all be holy in thoughts, words and deeds because the Holy Spirit cannot dwell in you if you don't clean yourself spiritually often. Try to be always righteous and holy so that My graces will always be with you.

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