Thursday, September 8, 2011

Enjoy your day

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Put a smile on your face
and enjoy your day
Life is too short and swift
Don't waste it with 
a frown always

Message for Aug. 8, 2011.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Life is meant to be enjoyed, don't take it too seriously that you no longer have a smile on your face. Have pleasure in everything that you do so that it will not be as heavy as it really is. Remember when you cast your worries to Me that it will lighten your load.

Begin your day with a prayer and offer your day to Me and I will ably reach out to you when you get overwhelmed with your burden. Be patient, be open to possibilities and broaden up your mind in that way the Holy Spirit can move freely through you. At the end of your task, offer it to Me as having been done to the best of your ability and I will sanctify it.

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