Friday, September 2, 2011


Grace, mercy and peace to you.

My heart leaps with joy
in thanksgiving to you Father
for everything you gave
to an unworthy daughter
humbled with your
unconditional love
and forgiveness
I give you praise
on this day
you breathed
life to me.

Message for Sept. 2. 2011
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Birthdays are joyous celebrations of thanksgiving, glory and praise to the Father who made you and nurture you through your biological parents. Make it a day of commitment to be with your heavenly Father even for an hour, for doesn't He deserve a fraction of your time on this joyous day?

Even if you have nothing much to celebrate materially, there is still much to give thanks and be happy because of Him, the source of everything in your life. Praises, praises, song of praise to your God then on your special day.

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