Monday, September 12, 2011

Blessings at Holy Mass

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Holy Mass I must  attend
to receive blessings bountiful
nowhere else is given
There in My Lord's altar
I kneel down and praise
the Giver beyond compare.

Message for Sept. 11, 2011
Don't allow the concerns of the world to stop you from doing what you were tasked to do for My kingdom. Don't lose yourself in worldly tasks, they are not as important as My instructions for you. Not attending Holy Mass because you want to finish something or tired of going to church because of something is not sufficient excuse to forfeit the blessings that you will receive in the Mass.

Do you ever wonder why those who attend Holy Mass sincerely are abundantly blest? Yes, some of them have questionable motives but for the effort that they go to church, they receive blessings.  How much more for those  who have kind hearts and make them a part of their day? Attend Holy Mass as often as you can and you will not regret the hours you allocate for it daily.

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