Thursday, November 24, 2011

Showing Love

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Love is shown by  deeds
Not by letters, thoughts and words alone
How will it be known
If you hide it in your heart afraid of being spurned
Show your love to everyone
Be not afraid to love
For the more you love,
It will come back
Loving you even more

 Message for Nov. 17, 2011
Cleansing yourself and the whole humanity can be done by practicing loving kindness to everyone. Yes, there are mantras that are said to be powerful, but can there be more powerful than this? Even if you religiously say your mantra, but not practice loving kindness to your brethren, then it will not be as powerful.

Action speaks  louder than words. You have to show your care for everyone, make it visible, make it tactile. Just do it, not think or write about it. It is  a sin of omission if you fail to show someone you care for them.

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