Thursday, November 24, 2011

Serving Two Masters

Grace, mercy and peace with you.

Two masters I can not keep
Between the world and the Lord
The Lord I must select
For He gave me life to live
The world will take away my life
Apart from Him who gave me breath

 Message for Nov. 20, 2011.
The trouble with serving so many masters, is that you will hate one and love another.  Who is your master,  Me or the world? The world requires you to pursue jobs to pay for your lifestyle. Me, I give you the strength and the grace to be able to live in this world.

What  is more important then, the world and its pleasures or the source of your strength?  Serve me well and you will control the world and be master of your self. Do not allow yourself to be ruled by the world and forget Me.  Always make Me your priority no matter what!

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