Saturday, November 26, 2011

Forgiving Friends

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Friends boost us up when we are down
The shoulder to cry on when nothing seems right at all
Friendship is not a bed of roses though
Misunderstanding pricks at the love that was sown
Don’t let the thorns of disagreement break the bond
Forgive and forget
That’s how true friendship are formed

Message for Nov. 25, 2011.

It is good to have friends  because they will serve as your support system when you are down. Don’t lose your  friends because of a little misunderstanding, try to bridge the gap as soon as you can, so that your disagreement will be resolved.

Don’t let days,  months or years pass by without making an effort to make peace with anyone, especially your long time friends. Be the first to make a move, so that it won’t bother your conscience if something bad will happen that will prevent you from asking or giving forgiveness.

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