Monday, November 7, 2011

Not Only Our Prayers

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Our blessings are not
Answers to our  prayers alone
They are also from friends
Who pray for us
And our intentions

Message for Nov.  5, 2011.
Graces that you received are not merely your answered prayers, they are also the result of others praying for you, your petitions or intentions. When you pray for each other, the grace you are most in need of, is given to everyone who needs it.

It is important that you have a community, because group prayer is very powerful, not only because of there will be many praying for you, but  of the  pureness of intentions, most especially if the members are all in the state of grace. There are also intentions in group prayers that are not answered the way they want it because it is NOT according to My will. 

Like in individual prayer, group prayers should be ended with, “Your will be done, not mine,” because it is only up to Me, how your prayers and intentions will be answered.

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