Monday, November 7, 2011

Birthday Thanksgiving

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Imperfect though I may be
On my birthday I give thanks to Thee
Rejoicing for the life you’ve given
Grateful  for  sins you have forgiven

Message for Oct. 30, 2011.
Birthdays commemorate your birth and should be celebrated in thanksgiving to Me who made you whole and perfect.  But, even if you are not, it is also a cause for rejoicing because you were made for a purpose.  Don’t think that those who were born imperfect in this world don’t have a purpose in life. It may be not them, but others for them. Life is like this, either you are the one helping others or you are the one being helped.

In each role, there is interaction, a brotherhood, a link that will make you help each other. Therefore, if your role is the one to help, accept it graciously because you were born whole and perfect.  However, those who were born imperfect or abnormal should not be rejected or looked  down. The more that they should be loved, because through them, you will learn love,  humility and graciousness.

These special children are angels sent down to you, for all of you, so you will not become so proud and know there is someone greater than you that can make people as He wills it. Parents are just instruments, I am the one who makes the child grow and become whole or not.  Rejoice then at your birthdays, give thanks and help a special child who is not as fortunate as you in the eyes of humans.

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