Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sunshine and rain

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Sunshine and rain
they are here again
what would life be
without them?

Message for Aug. 31, 2011.

The sun shines for everyone, but not all appreciate it at certain times of their life. The rain pours for everyone, but not all love it like some do. Why do people have different reactions to nature's nurture for it's people? Why do people have different fates? Do you think if the poor of today were rich and today's rich were poor that society might be different?

There is a purpose for the "whys" of the current generation, but they don't see the progression and the wisdom of what they currenntly take for granted now were the efforts of great men destined to lead the way. Life is a relay race, if you were assigned at the head of the race much of the struggle to start your line moving is up to you.

There is much responsibility for frontliners, the ones in the middle pick up the slack and continue, but it is towards the end that troubles arise, because complacent of the lead they have, they no longer feel as driven but start questioning the decisions made by those before them who laid the foundation for what they have now.

There are a few who continue to struggle and improve what was started but there are plenty who just stop, poke around, grumble, whine and complain. These persons blessed with the same sunlight and rain will always be critical, not finding the answer to their problems because their eyes are clouded with doubt, fear and envy. Remove the clouds in your life and appreciate fully the sunshine and the rain that comes and make use of it for the reason that it came.

When the sun shines, go out, play, sow and do all things that will benefit from it's light so that when it hides itself and let the rains come, it will give drink to the parched land, wash and clean what was dirtied, let plants grow and do all the things it was made to do. Sunshine is laughter and happiness in your lives, tears are the rain that will clean your pride to make you remember that you are weak without Me.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The poor souls in purgatory

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

A place called Purgatory
is where we all stop
enroute to our destination
here we stay for purification
staying for awhile until
we are ready to face
God, our Savior

Message for Aug. 30, 2011.
The souls in Purgatory exist and they need your help so they can be released from their bondage. Why do people have to pray for them? Because, when it is your time to pass on from this world, you will also spend time in purgatory for further cleansing and purification of your souls.No one goes directly to My house, unfortunate it may be.

Although, everyone was saved by My Son's sacrifice, not all believed on His passion, so they live life as if they were stray sheep until the last moment when they encounter Jesus at death's door and only then, did they believe and ask for forgiveness. Many believe in My Son's crucifixion, that He is My Son and God, but still they don't believe in His teachings, accepting the teaching of others instead., so they will also go astray.

It is this stop, purgatory that all who had sinned by not accepting and believing that there is a God will be purged abd refined to be fit to enter My kingdom. Since souls no longer can pray for themselves and just wait to end their time of atonement, your prayers will help them greatly to speed up their time there. A prayer a day for these poor souls can save so many, it will be like a great rush of wind going up to the clouds as they ascend to their final resting place.

Some bad spirits are the forgotten souls who despaired of their long stay in purgatory and escaped to catch the attention of living souls. Some are just mischievous and playful to make people recall how they were when alive and can therefore remember to pray for them. But, not all are sensitive to these spirits so they become violent, despairing to be remembered and prayed for.

Make an intention to pray for all souls in purgatory especially the forgotten ones everyday and there wll be so many who will be joyful for your help. And when their time will come to help you, when they are already with Me, they will also help you with your petitions and dreams. Help each other in every step of your journey to My place. Peace be with you.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Accountable I am for the talents He gave
To accomplish my mission that He laid
I must do all I can to give back to Him
Honor and glory to My King

Message for Aug. 29, 2011.

Don't let your dreams be taken away from you because of trying circumstances that seem to be unfavorable for your desire. Seek it more, especially if the cause of your distraction is for the completion of someone else's dreams.

Remember you will be accountable for yourself in the end. When I will ask what you have done to the talents I gave, the answer that you helped someone else will not be acceptable because you have your own mission to accomplish.

You can help others, that's the Christian way of life, but don't forget your own mission. You have to get back to it and manage your time so that you will not lose out in the race. Learn how to prioritize, sift what is necessary from the unnecessary, discern what is good and what is evil, so that you will not fall into the evil one's trap.

Focus on Me and the dreams I placed in your heart, do it well and accomplish it for My honor and glory.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sunday worship

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Sunday Mass I look forward to
Be with My God, with His church
Hear His words, His message
Lift up my soul in worship and praise
Give thanks for His everlasting love

Message for Aug. 28, 2011.

Worship and praise are what I'd like to hear on Sunday from My children. Like a biological parent who looks forward to the Sunday lunch or weekly get together with their children, so do I. I wait eagerly for you to come to My house on Sunday, I miss My children so much, I would like to see their faces, hear their voices singing songs of praise and worship - what a glorious feeling to behold each one of you from My altar.

Like a parent who sends you back home with goodies, I also send you home with blessings, No, I cannot be outgiven. I will shower with blessings those who take time to be with Me every Sunday, so much more those who seek Me daily or as often as their schedules allow. But, you must do so with sincerity in your hearts, not just because of habit or it is what is expected of you.

Come to Me, with the fire of longing in your hearts, like a lover longing to see their beloved, eager to spend time with them as often as possible. Seek Me and be with Me, My children, never allow a day without seeking My counsel, My comfort and My love.

To the last drop...

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

May the memories we leave behind
bring laughter to our dear ones
of cherished moments that gave
cheer to aching hearts

May we be remembered
of the kindness we gave
the time we shared
the love we bared

Message for Aug. 27, 2011

Work as if it is your last opportunity to do so, give it all your best because it will be your lasting legacy to those that you will leave behind. The last moment of a person is always the one that remains in the memory of those whose lives they've touched. Be aware of your time, how precious it is.

If you were drinking soda or your favorite cold beverage, you sip it to the last drop, don't you? That should be how you treat life, to enjoy it to the last drop! Don't you sip with pleasure and taste your favorite drink slowly at first just to savor it's taste, then you sip it faster to really have your fill of it, then you slow down once more, once your longing had been satisfied and then lastly sip it to the last drop? That is like life, didn't you notice?

When you were a child, you grabbed at everything that came your way, feeling, touching, seeing, hearing all at once. You cannot control your curiosity of everything that surrounded you. As you grew older, the interest in some things waned, and new interests caught your attention and you want to get your fill of it. When you matured and with your experience full, you slowly sip at each interests, slowly this time, savoring each moment, reliving memories, enjoying things you didn't enjoy in the rush of your youth.

Time and maturity slows down your impulses, your eagerness to try out and experience new adventures. Hopefully, by that time you have wizened up to the world. That is why in old age, when the body has slowed down, your memories are the only ones left for you to enjoy the life you had. Cherish those memories, sip at it slowly, reminiscing what once you were greedy for and had your fill and relive it with slow sips, cherishing to the last drop each moment.

Store up memories, not just memories though, but good, happy memories that helped other people enjoy their lives. Make your life a legacy of loving, giving and sharing so that you will be remembered well when you will finally pass over to My side.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Letting it go...

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

I let go the fears in my heart
for your grace to fill the void
making me strong in adversities
a victor of life's toils ...

Message for Aug. 26, 2011.

Daily sufferings are like daily calisthenics of the will and spirit. They make you strong and determined to get to where you want to go. If you let daily sufferings hamper your journey, then you will get stuck in a rut for a long time. I have given you sufficient grace to help you overcome your daily struggles, stop complaining and grumbling.

Look around you, open your eyes to all the possibilities that you can use in whatever or whoever that is present and can be of help to your trials. Don't close your eyes and your mind on the problem, focusing on the problem will just wear you out without coming to a solution. Learn to open your mind and let the energy flow, don't confine it within your system.

When you pray and call on Me for help and surrender your problem to Me, the energy is released and your load is lightened. The energy that comes back to you is fresh and you begin to look at things in a different way. That is the meaning of surrendering to My will, you release your pent-up energy, so that it can be replaced by My energy that suffuses you with new strength, new insight, new determination.

Everything new to make you face your problem and solve it the right way according to My will. It is simple and easy, you know, people don't just trust Me fully yet.

The Holy Bible, our guide

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Message for Aug. 25, 2011

Be on time for all your deals and appointments. You should be on time with your prayer schedule. Don't neglect your prayers, it is your appointment with Me. It is time for you to contemplate on My words and understand your life and what is happening around you in relation to My words.

The Holy Bible is a good resource of daily lessons or pointers on life, read it and be familiar with it. You are depriving yourself of the opportunity to read a truly great book about life. Why is it that you spend time to read the books of authors for inspiration and motivation and forget the Bible? Don't you know they get their inspiration from My Book?

To know Me better, you have to be acquainted with My instructions on life. Make it a habit to read the Bible daily, don't be in a rush, read and contemplate. Like food, you have to chew it first before swallowing to make it part of your system, for My words to stay in your hearts not only in your minds. It is important for My words to be in your hearts, so you will live it and not in your minds because you will just memorize it and be critical of others who don't know them.

You will become a modern Pharisee, which I don't like My children to become. Read My words and LIVE it in words and deeds!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wait it out...

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Message for Aug. 24, 2011.
Don't be disappointed when an opportunity that seems to be promising, didn't exactly turned out to be what you expected it to be. Not all opportunities come from Me, and not everything that comes is good for you.

Wait out for the next big wave before you plunge and sail on. Life is not about rushing to meet all the chances at once, take the time to observe and know when to make the right move. It is only the foolish who rush headlong into a challenge without preparation.

Be patient and watchful, like a wave, life has its surges, it's troughs, it's peaks and freak waves. Just wait for the right opportunity to come along, so you won't regret not being free to do it when it comes, because you have committed yourself to do something else already.

Don't give up!

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Message for Aug. 23, 2011.

When you feel like striking on your own because the answer to your prayers seems to be late in coming, don't despair, it is just around the bend having it's kinks removed and straigthened.

It is at this time that you should pray harder all the more, don't give up! More important, don't give up on Me! I would be hurt, if you would turn your back and walk away while I am still preparing the answer to your prayers the best way it can be given to you and at the perfect time it should be given. Don't rush things, like a fruit, it has to be picked up at the right time for you to enjoy it's freshness and sweetness.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Anunciation, Mary's meek submission to God's plan

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Message for Aug. 22, 2011.


Today is the feast of the Anunciation, this day is a remembrance of Mary's complete surrender and acceptance of My plan for her and the whole world. Did she not hesitate? Did she not doubt? Was she frightened of the angel who spoke profound words? Mary, felt all these, but she submitted herself meekly to God's plan for her.

It will be difficult for people of this modern age and technological advancement to understand why someone, a young virgen at that would meekly submit herself and her future for an event that she herself is in doubt, an uncertain future that surely will be filled with malice, scorn and ridicule if she will tell everyone that she conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Joseph, a descendant of David was also made a part of the plot, a plot written long before they were born. But, they, filled with God's grace accepted the roles they have to play in God's kingdom. Wonderful examples of meekness and submission for surely they have their own plans too. They forgot their own dreams for themselves and joined in God's activity to save people. These are the behaviors that I would like My children to have. Dropping their own agendas to be able to take part in My redemptive work for others.

Will you do the same thing for Me? Will you sacrifice your desires and ambitions to be My lowly servant? Are you willing to be subjected to public ridicule and scorn to spread My good news? Are you worthy of making that sacrifice? Yes, you are, for I alone know the heart of My children. Others can see with their eyes, but I can see you from the biggest to the tiniest bit of you. I will qualify those whom I call to join Me in My work. You are worthy because you are My children.

Givng and sharing

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Message for Aug. 21, 2011.

Revenues do not always come in the day you want or need them, although you've prayed so hard for financial help. Don't despair, I work through channels sometimes to get each of you involve in each other even though you don't know it.

Like I told you about life being a wheel which needs people to turn it toward their goal, so are your petitions. It is part of your wheel or interconnected with someone else's and it requires synchronized work to make it turn favorably towards you.

So, in every assignment, do it well because you never know who will benefit from it along the way. In your petitions, pray for the persons who are part of the team that will work toward the fulfillment of your prayer. That is brotherhood, that is christian life, praying and working for each other to achieve each other's goal.

A true Christian is never alone, you need other people's help and intercession, you are there to be part of a system, a community that shares with love. Go and be a part of Christianity, my children. Don't think you can be self sufficient and not need the help of any one because you are rich or because you are poor, you can't help others. Everyone of you has the capacity to give something if you don't limit yourself to your set limitations.

Broaden your reach towards others, you will find that there are so many who can help you and so many that you can help. It is a give and take thing and not necessarily from the same persons you've helped or the ones who helped you. It is a universal exchange of gifts, you may give to someone, but another person will give back the favor to you or it could be you who gave someone for something you received from another.

Do not be stingy in giving, always share whatever little you have to those who have nothing.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Spread the word

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Message for Aug. 20, 2011.

Tardiness is a trait that holds you back from the potential of your talents and abilities. Strive hard to overcome this attitude and focus on your path to Me. Time waits for no one, so you must hurry up to be on time and to get synchronize with activities and events happening around you.

My children, you can't be bystanders to what is happening in your world, get up, go out and participate! Interact with your fellow Christians and live with them. You cannot be a good Christian if you are always alone. How will you spread My message?

Live in love with your brothers and sisters, show them how to live right, share with them what I have shown and taught you. Do not keep it to yourself because it defeats the purpose of your mission, which is to spread the good news about having Me as your Savior, Provider, Healer, Comfort and Strength.

It is through My children's testimonies of a deep and personal relationship with Me that I wish myself to be made known to those who haven't heard of Me or have forgotten Me. Go out, My children spread My love to those who hunger for their Father's love. Let them know that I AM is here, always by their side, looking after them even though if they think I have deserted them because of their poverty and sickness. Let them know that in every difficulty and hardship, I have given them the grace each day to get over them.

Tell them to seek Me, pray and repent of whatever wrong they have done because that is what is keeping them away from Me and My blessings. Repent and come back to Me and I will make your load lighter. Emotional and mental guilt is heavier than anything in this world because you carry your load all the time. Repent and follow Me, My children. I am waiting for you always to come back to Me.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Honest work

Grace , mercy and peace to you.

Message for Aug. 19, 2011.
Labor well in everything that you do. Don't count the hours, the minutes and the pay you are going to receive at the end of the day.

In all things, do the best you can do in all honesty. If possible, do more than what is expected of you, because there are eyes that are just observing your toil. Don't work according to the pay you've been given, give more always and you will be rewarded ultimately with more projects for being trustworthy, reliable and responsible.

Share your talent even if you think you are being underpaid, don't grumble, just work because you were the one who applied for it.

Be trusted in being prompt

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Message for Aug. 18, 2011.
Promptness in delivering your service is one thing your clients will appreciate. Keep your promise and respect their time. It is not good to let others wait, especially those who are paying you for services that you offered. It is one way to get the trust of people whom you want to do business.

Trust is most important in everything that you do. Win someone's trust and you will always be close to their hearts.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Life is a wheel

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Message for Aug. 17, 2011.

You are not obeying Me when you keep on postponing or disregarding My instructions. It is important that you obey Me immediately once you know what you are supposed to do.

Let the ball roll once I said, "GO!" What happens when you don't? Help for another person who needs help will be delayed. But, of course I can use other persons to do it for you, but there are things that must initiate from you first. Remember that everyone of you has a role, I cannot always pick someone else to act as your proxy because they also have something to do in their path.

Imagine life as a cycle, like a turning wheel or gear that gets stuck in one or two places because someone didn't do his job. He slept on it or ignored it or deserted his post to look at another wheel that was turning so smoothly, it reached it's destination quickly. Then remembering his place on his own wheel, he comes running back to his post, he struggles to push it out of the rut where it got stuck and ask the help of others who stayed to prop up the wheel so no one below will get crushed. But they have fallen ill, weakened with the struggle because too many abandoned their posts, fascinated with other turning wheels.

In your wheel of life, there are many assigned to the same wheel, going to the same destination, don't get lured by anyone asking for your help to make their wheels turn, No! Grasp your own wheel and make it run smoothly and efficiently and once you keep it turning, there will be many who will get attracted to ask for your help, some would want to push it either toward your goal or to waylay it to distract you.

Be careful then of free riders, they just make your load heavy and difficult for your wheel to turn. You will have helpers if someone in your wheel will pass away, there will always be someone to replace them if they die, but if they dessert their post, your wheel will have to turn without them.

If you have deserted your post in the wheel that you are supposed to be part of, then catch up with it double or triple time, lest it might reach the destination they are going without you to share in its achievement. You will then be a bystander watching them celebrate their feat, and what do you have? Tired and weary from catching up, but only dust in your hands and feet to show you did nothing to help your team.

Life is a relay, everyone should help each other turn the wheel of life. Like a big gear, with so many cogs to make it turn, that is life.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The right persistence

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Message for Aug. 16, 2011.

Persistence is to be commended, but, if you persist in doing something that is getting obviously not right for you, then, it is no longer persistence but hard headedness or obstinacy. Yes, it is right that persistence and perseverance are traits of successful persons, but they know how and when to stop when they realize it is not the right path for them to keep on trying and still be successful.

Don't copy the way of fortune of others because you don't have the same path and you have different missions. Don't be a copy cat, it will never work. Copy instead the good deeds, words and habits of these good and successful people and the kingdom of heaven will be yours and everything good will come your way.

What is important is your perseverance and persistence in cultivating a relationship with Me because I will guide you to a path of success that you won't ever know existed. There are so many doors and windows of opportunities waiting for you to be opened, but you are blinded by the opened windows and doors of others that beckon invitingly to lure you to the wrong way of your own path.

Focus on yourself and Me. Follow Me, not others.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Pets and spirits

Grace, mercy and peace to you all.
Pets are something to give you pleasure but only for awhile. Like people in your lives, they come and go for a reason and a season. You should not get attached to them fully because it will just cause you distress if they have to go.

Love your pets, treat them well but do not devote yourself to them to the exclusion of everything else. If they are dying, severe the tie with them by not fussing over them which only make it difficult for them to pass away. Be there but respect their need to be alone as they struggle between life and death.

My children, do not weep when your pets have to leave you, it was enough that they experience your loving attention when they were with you. Death is part of the cycle of life, everything on earth dies after a period of time. You all have to leave your physical form to be one of the spirits with Me, which is your real form of existence in this world, the human form is to make you visible but the real you is your soul.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Grace, mercy and peace to all of you.

Message for Aug. 14, 2011.

Reunions are a great time to reconnect and be together after a long time. You should never decline such a celebration if possible because it should serve as a joyful celebration of life, of family, relatives and friends. One should cherish such a moment for the uncertainty of when and how you will be taken away, suddenly or slowly, as in when you become bed-ridden and sedated and you no longer know who is there with you in the room.

Celebrate life with reunions, spread My love in reunions, share in reunions from food to life stories because through it you will learn how My love for you have kept you together all these years. Make Me a part of your celebration, especially in the blessing of the food that you are going to partake. I will be very happy to see your smiling faces, all joyful together and remembering Me. Enjoy each moment, cherish each breath and glory with the light.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Our longing Father

Grace, mercy and peace to everyone.

Message for Aug. 13, 2011.

Promises, easy to make then when you are in the brink of despair, when everything seem to be against you. How easy to grab hold of anything, even a two-edged sword just to get out of a despairing situation.

Don't be hasty with your promises and your actions. Come to Me instead and pray. Surely, I, your Father cannot turn My back on any of My children who are in despair of being lifted out of the rut they have fallen into. Come, do not hesitate to come to Me. For am I not your Creator and Provider? Am I not your Healer, Comforter and Strength?

You profess all these things that I am for you and yet you forget to call on Me when you are faced with difficult situations. It is easy to say words of worship but difficult to act out what you say, isn't it? Live what you believe and say. Harmonize the two and everything will pass smoothly for you.

It is this continuous struggle between belief and reality that makes My children struggle unnecessarily. Don't do that, you are causing unnecessary stress to yourself. Believe in what you profess to be what I am in your life. Call on Me always, make me a part of you because I am always with you in everything.

Come, all of you, My children, make me work and play with you. I hunger so much for your company and acknowledgement that I am your Father, a Father who will never forsake His children even if they have displeased Me every so often with their deeds. Think of that and be grateful that I am always with you. Have a blessed day.

Be careful

Grace, Mercy and Peace to my silent readers.

Message for Aug. 12, 2011.

Be careful with opportunities that come your way. Learn how to pick the ones suitable for you and in line with your path towards Me. Not all opportunities come from Me, sometimes a wolf in sheep's clothing comes your way so that you will be lured to join them and be one of them.

Careful, My children, do not go after every rainbow in search of the proverbial pot of gold, there are some illusions that lead you to nothing but clay. Don't be fooled by the glitter of gold that these false preachers of well-being and livelihood spout out of their greedy mouths to take hold of your hard earned money.

Remember that hard earned money is more precious than those that comes to you easily. Money earned and labored the hard way will be of more value to you because you spent time and effort to gain it, but easy money comes and goes with the wind. Therefore, don't be envious of those who seem to have easy money in profuse amount without laboring for it because it will just go away.

Money gained from innocent people looking for means of investing to have more, is like cursed money that will haunt you and your family for years, for the tears that were shed by those who were fooled by false promises and ventures. Be careful in everything that you do, don't let tears put a curse on what you've earned.

Work honestly and live simply, so you will have enough to live on without being a burden to your neighbors. It is good to be rich, but don't be rich at the expense of poor people's money and labor. Be a good steward of everything that I have placed under your care. Remember that you are dust and one day you will return to dust.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Daily moment with God

Message for Aug. 11, 2011.

I am pleased when My children makes an effort to spend time with Me even if they have so many things to do that will take them away from Me. My children, it is good to realize that time spent with Me is the best thing to do than chasing time to do all in your list of "to do" things.

A moment with Me will give you direction, so you won't waste time chasing rainbows. A moment with Me gives you the graces you need for your daily tasks so you will accomplish it well. A moment with Me gives you sufficient strength to finish your tasks. A moment with Me gives you wisdom to see My hand in everything that you do and you will participate in My activity around you.

Don't start your day without Me so you won't have false starts and have to begin all over again. Make this your daily resolution.

Our abandoned dreams

Message for Aug. 10, 2011.
Have you ever wondered what happened to your abandoned dreams? The ones that you buried in your thoughts out of despair and frustration? They are still there, waiting to be reawakened, waiting for the perfect time to resurrect and be remembered.

I placed those dreams in your heart, I let it sleep there because it was not yet time to harvest what you have sown. All the while the things and experiences that you did and encountered were leading you to the fruition of your dreams. Don't despair then if it seems that you will never have your dreams, time has a way of leading you back to it, when it is the right time for you to have it.

Keep your dreams in your heart and just let Me guide you always because in My time you will have your dreams in your hands, My children.

Obey His plans for you

Message for Aug. 9, 2011.
Readiness to do My will takes a lot of effort for you, My children because you have plans of your own. Because of this, you forget that your loftiest plans and dreams are nothing in comparison to My plans for you. If only you will realize and understand that My plans although, it may be slow in coming to fruition for you impatient children, it is always for the good of everyone around you and not only for you.

My plans may seem dubious and slow to you but, remember that I can see everything and I control everything so, whatever I say will come to pass in time. And you can be assured that everything I have planned will always be for good. Nothing and no one can stop My plans from being accomplished, it will always be done according to My time and the result I would like to have.

If you, My children refuse to take part of My plans, there are others that I can use to accomplish My goals and the blessing that you are supposed to receive will be given to those who readily obeyed My invitation to follow Me.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Awareness ... the start of the solution

Message for Aug. 8, 2011.
Awareness of a problem is the start of it's solution, for, if you don't know a problem exists, how will you take steps to solve it? As Christians and My apostles, it is essential that you go out of your homes and go to other homes to look into the condition of your brothers and sisters less fortunate than you are. These poor people are susceptible to liars and evil preachers who lure them into believing that their life will improve if they will follow them.

A hungry stomach will grab on to everything just to be able to eat. This need is a weapon being used by the evil one to lead astray My flock. It is with those who are physically hungry and materially impoverished that the evil one usually triumphs. So, it is important that you will penetrate this sector and let them know that I am with them too, they are not alone and there is somebody who cares.

That's the mission of every Christian , to spread the Good News that I AM is here among you all of My children, rich or poor. I am with you forever in every situation and location, I am always present in your life. Call on Me, follow Me, I will take the yoke on your shoulders to make your burden light. Following Me doesn't mean everything will be easy, No, you will still have challenges and trials to shape and strengthen your character, but you can be rest assured that with Me in your lives, you will find strength by My grace to overcome those trials.

What are you waiting for? Come, follow Me to the road of perdition of all your sins and triumph of good things.

The importance of Sunday Mass

Message for Aug. 7, 2011.
Sunday Mass is an obligation that should be done with joyful expectations, a day to look forward to, because it is a meeting with your God and Father.

When one misses Sunday Mass, they miss a lot of blessings because it is during the offertory that I shower My blessings on those present in Church.

Let all the churches be filled with devout church goers so they will receive the graces that will be showered on them from above. The Holy Mass is the extreme sacrifice of prayer and with this comes a lot of graces and blessings. Be sure not to miss receiving them weekly.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Prayer and loneliness

Message for Aug. 6, 2011.
Loneliness is an emotional emptiness that some associate with being physically alone and away from family and friends, but, it is not. It is the physical as well as spiritual isolation one feels when they are apart from Me, their God. Nothing is more lonely than having no Father to call on when you are in need of financial, spiritual and material need.

When family, friends, relatives and neighbors don't listen to your call for help and still there is no one from above that you can depend on, that is total isolation and deep, deep loneliness that drives some to commit suicide.

The loneliness for physical interaction can be remedied by going our, watching television, cellphones, video chat and other modern means of interaction but the lack of connection between Me and man if they are not aware of how awesome prayer is, is really unreachable. Yes, it is true that the distance between you and Me is your bent knees in prayer and supplication. What can be more reachable and cheap than that?

It is My wish that every child of mine should at least daily spend an hour in totality of calling on My name. Breaking that down into several minutes per day surely doesn't take much of your time. What can be more important than calling on your Savior and Guide?

Please disseminate this way of praying so that no one will ever feel lonely and bereft when they feel there is no one for them physically.

Time spent wisely

Message for Aug. 5, 2011.
Time is essential and flitting and it is important that you spend it wisely. But, don't just go through life leaving others in need of your assistance and attention because you are in a hurry to get to where you want to be.

Don't rush through life with broken hearts, broken promises and broken relationships littering your way. Life is about time spent wisely, building relationships, helping each other grow and leading each other back to Me. It is not just about wealth and material accumulation because everything worldly and material will perish while the good deeds that you do to your fellowmen pleases Me, your Father and is therefore worth an eternal value in heaven.

Take time to smell the flowers and touch people with your time spent wisely while on earth.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

What matters most

Message for Aug. 4, 2011.
The diaspora of Filipinos or other nationalities to another country to find work should not be encouraged because it is through this dispersal that the basic unit of society which is the family is badly affected. It is very sad that third world countries are the ones whose citizens are suffering with the economy of their nations. Forced to venture outside of their homes, they leave hearth and home to find the money necessary for the existence of their loved ones only to return broken-hearted and alone sometimes.

It is not all that suffers this fate, but statistics show that most families end up broken because of extra marital affairs due to either the husband or the wife living apart. If it is not the couple, it is their children who live wayward lives without the guidance of their parents.

This is a very sad outcome of people's quest for money, their dreams and ambitions for themselves and their loved ones. What if they just stayed and looked for job opportunities that are there albeit smaller in salary compensation compared to what they will receive abroad? The higher salary doesn't factor in the loss of your family, the heartache of missing home, etc. If you take into account these factors, you will see that what you receive here is more than what you are dreaming of.

Of course, it depends on your priorities, so you dream on, sacrificing what you think is necessary for the essential. In all your dreams, weigh everything that you count most dear. Give a value to them and consider it in determining the cost of your separation and the amount you will receive, these are the hidden costs that you must include in bargaining with your employers for salary consideration. Remember, not all that glitters is gold, there is a lot of rust beneath it.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Our eyes

Message for August 3, 2011.
Kindness doesn't need much in order to make someone happy. A simple smile, a thoughtful word of concern will do much to uplift a sad soul. Remember that people almost always wear masks to hide their true feelings, it takes a special person to see through the pretense and embrace the lonely soul.

Often in your busy lives, you overlook the hidden longing for appreciation and need for belonging of someone. In your rush to do things and to accomplish goals, you seldom touch the soul. Look into the eyes of the persons you talk to and meet. Look deep, listen closely, watch their movements, be observant and quick to answer their silent call for help or ache for kindness and acceptance. It is through the eyes, that true feelings are communicated because they are the windows to your souls.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The gift of wisdom

Message for Aug. 2, 2011.

Wisdom is not learned through books and college degrees. It is learned through fear of Me which is first and foremost. To know Me, to love Me and know what is pleasing to Me is wisdom by itself.

The world has a different definition of wisdom, it looks on people who are successful in their fields of endeavor as wise, brilliant and successful. Look into the lives of some of these people, the silent ones, not the flamboyant types. You will find a serenity of spirit, a calmness of the soul which comes from knowing that I am in total charge of their affairs and they are just stewards or business partners.

They don't fret too much because after doing everything that they can to the best of their ability, they entrust everything to Me. Such complete trust in My grace sets them apart from the rest. They are successful but kind, compassionate and loving to their fellow brothers and sisters. They are humble in their abundance and they don't find it difficult to share their blessings with others.

They are generous because they understand the rule of the universe, that of giving and sharing which in turn will generate more blessings for the giver. Wisdom is knowing when to to give back and when to withhold, although, it is not good to withhold something from someone in need.

It is withholding information that I speak of that may cause harm or hurt to another. It is withholding actions and words that will injure someone's feelings and cause great harm to his potential as an individual.

You should never cause someone to fall because of your words or actions. Wisdom is knowing how to uplift a soul in the brink of despair, it is knowing how to share words of comfort and giving the time to listen and understand. Wisdom shows you all these, wisdom is for the soul's enrichment, never for it's downfall. It is for knowing Me as your Father and Creator and acknowledging Me and My greatness in everything that you do.

Wisdom is Me talking to you and you listening to Me in awe, respect and love and doing what I command you to. Wisdom is the truth that knocks at your heart timidly so you will let it enter and let it settle there for good. Wisdom is knowing Me, acknowledging Me as your Savior and protector at all times.

Listen to wisdom, child and let it guide you through your life.

A petition and a promise

Message for Aug. 1, 2011.
A petition is as good as fulfilled if you keep your side of the bargain or deal. When you promise to Me, make sure you can do it and will do it no matter if you don't meet your estimated deadline.

Keep at it and you will receive what you were praying for.

For widows & widowers

Message for July 31, 2011.
The merry widow is free of her obligations from her dead husband and can marry someone else if she wishes to, but, I advise her to prepare her remaining days on earth as My maidservant. She should not look for a husband for security and companionship reasons, they are just flimsy reasons to cover up the real truth in seeking for another partner. The fear of being alone in the senior years of their lives drives widows and widowers to seek someone to be with especially if they are used to the pampering of their late spouses.

But there are also those who no longer seek somebody to replace the memory of their dearly departed. Each to his own in facing the suddenness of being alone.

Although, I really would prefer that they spend their time with Me and serving in My church, I will not prohibit them in searching for someone who they feel would fill up the void left by their partners. It is not always easy to find the man or woman to replace your previous partner and it is equally not easy to fill up the shoes of those you loved, so the relationship might not turn out as you expected.

Spare yourself from anxiety and heartbreak and just be with Me and work with Me in My church to bring brothers and sisters back to My kingdom. You will find great joy in doing so. Think things over seriously accompanied with prayer to discern what is good for you.

Daily kindness

Message for July 30, 2011.
Now and for always, all of you are My children. Take extra effort to please Me daily and that effort will be rewarded in double, triple or even more. For to do good pleases me so because it is a reflection of your love for Me.

Spread the joy and kindness with everyone you meet and those people who received your goodness will share it to others too. A ripple effect will follow that will make everyone happy and feel loved. If everyone does this daily, no one will be sad and lonely among My children. A spirit of sharing will exist that will make everyone feel full of love and kindness.