Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Test of friendship

When we are in a temporary financial squeeze, we expect friends to be there to help us in the spirit of friendship, giving and loving. But when a friend does indeed help in exchange for making you their temporary servant, it becomes a painful experience for the one in need.

Will friendship be the same afterwards? Will you still go to the same friend when you will be in a temporary setback again? Were they really your friends?

The true test of friendship comes when you are financially unstable, true friends will help without question nor blame but will just help to make you stand up again.

Message for July 11, 2011.
When you give, don't expect something in return, give from the love of your heart, from compassion, not from a manipulative spirit that will suit your own needs. Be mindful of the dignity of a person and not reduce them to slaves just because you were able to help them.

Give, like the Father gives, not withholding anything back, unconditional giving from unconditional loving. Be like Me, my children and you will experience pure joy that comes from a giving and loving heart.

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