Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cleansing rain

Message for July 20, 2011.
The rain is falling hard, but, don't worry, it is My way of cleansing the Earth of filth, of people, of animals, of everything that should no longer be there. What a huge trash land the people have made the Earth. what a mockery they've made of My beautiful land, water and air that were made for their survival.

Would they rather want to live in a muddy trash land and inhale toxic fumes instead of clean air, drink and swim in murky waters instead of the clear, blue seas I've made? Men, the people I have created to populate the Earth wants to destroy the life force that was freely given to them.

What ungrateful children they have become. They are proud with the strength and intelligence I gave them for free and yet, they are using their gifts to destroy the ultimate gift the Giver has given to them, a wonderful place to live!

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