Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sunday is for the Lord

Sunday is for the Lord, attending Holy Mass and a rest day from the week's labor. But then Sunday, has become like any other day for us, nothing special, just another day in our lives.

We have forgotten that on this day most especially during Mass, we are giving thanks to our Creator, Provider, Healer, Refuge and Strength. Forgive us, Lord if we haven't been so thankful to you on your special day.

Message for July 3, 2011.
Return to Me, my children, you have lost your way. Make My day special, make it our weekly reunion. Can't I have an hour of your time? Can't you look forward to it as if you were going out to meet someone special?

Don't I deserve to have a little of your time in church? How can you not visit Me for at least an hour to listen to My word, to connect with your brothers and sisters in the community? Please make Sunday, a day for Me. Reserve it in advance for our weekly reunion.

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