Thursday, September 29, 2011

Right on God's path

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

On eagle’s wings I fly
Soaring up so high
Everything is easy and light
When God is looking after my flight

Message for Sept. 29, 2011.
Success is relevant to obeying My  plans for you. If you are not on the same path as I want  you to walk on, you will be pulled back to the direction  I wanted you to take. It is therefore important that before you embark on something, you pray for My guidance first so that you won’t waste your time pursuing other goals that you will just ultimately leave after discovering it is not the path for you.

You know you are in the right path because everything will come easy, things will just fall into place because My powers are with you. You will be like reading on eagle’s wings and of course your yoke will be easy and light because you have entrusted it to Me.

Pray then, seek My plans for you and obey them immediately and you will be justly rewarded.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

True confession

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

I confess
With my heart, mind and soul
That my whole life will be changed
So I won’t  sin
The same sin once again

Message for Sept. 28, 2011.
Confession is indeed worthless if you don’t have the intention of dropping the sin in your life that has affected you and your family to start a new life.  Confession should mean a total change of heart and lifestyle, forgetting the sins that have previously pulled you down and standing up with a firm resolve never to go back to the cause of your failure again.

When you confess, do so with your mind and your heart, not only with your lips, for if you do,  your confession will not last for a day. How can you ask forgiveness if in your thoughts and in your heart, there still lies a hidden desire to go back to that evil intention?

You cannot deceive Me, confess truly and I will forgive, but if you do just for show, I will punish you for mocking Me. Be righteous in everything then.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

There is only one God

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

There is only one God I know,
Worship and adore
It is by knowing Him
That I love friend or foe
Others may call Him Buddha,
Allah or Jehovah
But He is the same God of Love
That made us
His children from different races
To fulfill our own purpose
In the lives we must live

Message for Sept. 27, 2011.
There is only one God, but people know Me through different manifestations according to their culture. I am Buddha,Allah or Jehovah whoever is close to their hearts. It is still the same Me that they understand through their traditions. 

People should not become religious fanatics, believing that their own religion is the true one. What is really Important is how you are to your neighbors. If you are a religious fanatic but you are not a good neighbor, you are a bigot. Don’t become one, open your heart to God’s wisdom that everyone walks through different roads to fulfill their own purpose in life.

Respect and love each other, don’t let religious fervor cloud your minds and harden your hearts to the love that is supposed to grow among you.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Teenage pregnancy

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

The young and innocent that we believe
Are not as they were when we were their age
Their  world is wilder, meaner now
A loving parent is much needed to show them how
To battle the lure the evil one has laid

Message for Sept. 26, 2011.
Teenage pregnancy is now on the rise for developed and developing nations, but for remote areas this is already common place.  Because society dictates when it is proper to be legally wed and bedded, it becomes shocking to hear news of teenagers getting married early due to pregnancy. The difference with these youngsters in the rural and urban areas is their mindset.

In remote, almost inaccessible areas, getting married early and getting pregnant  is a necessity dictated by their customs and traditions, while in urban areas getting pregnant first before getting married if they are lucky is a situation stimulated by friends as an initiation thing, a pleasure trip which is a disgusting violation of the divine powers I share with people.

What happened to these young people? Who is their God? Have they forgotten Me or have they taken Me for granted? It seem more likely that they have taken Me for granted, an absentee God, a benevolent God that always overlooks  and understands their misdemeanors. Am I really like that? I will show these young children that I am not to be ignored and abused. I am not like their parents whom they have taken for granted and continuously disobeyed.

The young,  although few are still obedient to Me have been snared by the evil one’s lure of drugs, music, wine and everything imaginable to seduce them away from Me. What a pity and what a shame! Where are the parents of these children? Why have they been misled? Most of these juvenile delinquents are products of teenage pregnancies too, with parents coping up with the demands of family at an early age and immature disposition. How can they guide their children effectively if they themselves are lost?

Can you imagine if this cycle will continue? Perhaps, there will come a time when children born from illegitimate union will rule the earth. The prevalence of loose morals and lawlessness is alarming and the church should take an active and firmer stand against this trend, Now, or some of my poor, misguided children will forever be lost to the evil one.

Mean what you say

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Say, Yes
When you mean yes
Say, No
When you mean no
For everything you say
Is recorded in heaven
That you must account for
There’s no denying

Message for Sept. 25, 2011.
The gospel  for today was about two sons who were asked by their father to do something in their vineyard.  The eldest son said, “No,”  but changed his mind later and did what his father asked him to do.  The youngest readily answered, “Yes,”  but did not do as he promised his father.

With whom are you alike, the eldest or the youngest? The eldest obeyed his father although he initially refused his command.  You should belong to that category, a changed heart and mind to follow God’s orders and setting aside previous personal plans to do what He asked you to. 

Almost all of you say, “Yes,” especially when favors you’ve recently asked for were granted, but when the fervor of being blessed have waned, you continue as before, doing your own plans and forgetting what you have promised to Me earlier.

Remember, I hold you accountable for your words, see to it that when the time comes, you can account for everything that you did with My time that I loaned to you. 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

His coming

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

My coming no one can tell
I have told no one
To surprise everyone
False prophets
Will hide in shame

Message for Sept. 24, 2011.
My coming can not be foretold by any human prediction and forecasting. I will come in My glory in My own  time and no one will know because I will come unexpectedly,  surprising everyone and putting to shame the false prophets of gloom and doom.

Do not believe anyone who predicts the end of the world because I will not end the world I beautifully created just for their words to come true.  Why do these people persist in their belief of divine powers? I have entrusted no one with that.

There are only three divine persons, Me, the Son and the Holy Spirit. No one except us can do divine manifestations.  If we manifest our divine power to any of My children, then it is solely our prerogative who to use among you and usually it is for a divine purpose not a superficial display of power alone . The person chosen will be someone who is humble and pure of heart who will not abuse the power temporarily given to them.

Rejoice therefore that the world will not end. People will come and leave this earth as planned and to clean up those who have become wicked and lost. They will be replaced by good people, but My world will remain beautiful for My children.

No one can destroy the world I have created, I will recreate the ones destroyed and defiled by human hands with greater beauty and promise.


Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Eat healthy
Think well
Love always
In your body and soul
Peace and happiness will reign

Message for Sept. 23, 2011.

Healing comes from a changed heart. So many illnesses today are a result of a bitter and angry heart that is full of negative emotions and passions that triggers a complex range of reactions that are detrimental to the overall health and well being of a person.

Let peace and happiness reign in your hearts and all will be well with you.


Grace, mercy and peace to you.

A little lie won’t do no harm
So I thought
But much to my surprise
I had to keep on lying
To hide the first lie I told

Message for Sept. 22, 2011.
Compromise for nothing that will destroy your credibility. Make your path straight and honest. There is no “in between”  to the road of My kingdom because a little falsehood is still a lie, no matter if you are doing it for what you think is good.

The consequence of that little lie can’t be seen by you immediately, but I can see the whole scene for all time, so I know what will be it’s consequences for everyone. Cover up a lie and you’ll end up with a web of lies that you won’t find easy to get out of.

Stay away from falsehood, so you won’t be compromised in any way.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Prepare for His coming

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Before going to sleep
Ask for forgiveness lest you fall into slumber deep
Not waking for another tomorrow
Causing such sorrow
To an unprepared soul
Who fell into the evil's snare

Message for Sept. 21, 2011.
Being ready means you anticipate what is coming, preparing yourself for an eventuality so that when it comes, you won't get rattled like the five foolish maidens in the parable who did not bring extra oil for their lamps while waiting for the bridegroom to arrive, remember that parable? You should always be like the five wise maidens who brought extra oil knowing that they might need it just in case the bridegroom will not come on time.

I am your bridegroom, prepare yourself for My coming by making your hearts ready. Confession then Holy Communion everyday are essential, but if you can't receive Holy Communion daily for reasons of your own then at least do an Act of Contrition before you go to sleep.

Always silently say sorry in your hearts to Me if you commit something that will displease Me. That is how I want you to prepare yourselves. Ask for My pardon always and to everyone you've offended. Be kind, patient and understanding always to all. Don't ever stop goodness to reign in your hears and minds because that is one way of preparing for My kingdom too.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Enough for the day

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

I pray for just enough
To make it through the day
May I be content of what I have
For more than what I need
I can’t take it to my grave

Message for Sept. 20, 2011.
Memories are good reminders of what the past have been, but if deleted  completely through disease and aging what good will it serve you? If you are a good person to your fellowmen, those memories will be kind to you because the persons you’ve helped will remember your acts of kindness and repay you with kindness and mercy too.  But, if you were cruel, those memories will judge you for your unfairness and rudeness to others. Some may help you, but plenty will ridicule you for the state you are in now.

Make good memories so that you will reap goodness in the future. Be kind always to everyone, no matter  what their  status in life is.  Always remember that life is a constant cycle of ups and downs, no one remains on top and no one remains at the bottom. That is of course depending on where they are presently now.

For the very poor, there will come a time of plenty but it will be different from the type of abundance  the rich knows.   Abundance for the very poor will be very meager for the very rich. Different classes of abundance for different social status, but still they will have changes in their abundance and scarcity depending on how much is much and how little is little for them.

Be contented with just enough for it will make you through a day of your life. Having more than that can not be taken by you to your grave. 

Almighty God

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

The world is full of God’s creation
Who will dispute His presence?
The proud and those who would like
To equal His majesty
Are fools in a travesty

Message for Sept. 19, 2011.
The rain pours, thunder roars and lightning lights up the dark skies.  Is still there any doubt that there is a God? Why do atheist believe or try to believe that I am non-existent? What purpose will it serve to blatantly refuse in acknowledging My presence? It is pride that holds them back from bowing down their heads and bend their knees because they can’t explain the mystery of My creation.

Pride that would like to feel superior even with their inferiority. What fools they are! Ludicrous children, seeing but not trying to see, playing hide and seek with a Master, never accepting defeat even though they have been defeated over and over.

Like a tenacious dog that never leaves a coveted bone until he has it, even if it means having the bone totally dry and broken into a tiny piece. Bah, humbug these people who refuse to see My glory and majesty, they cannot  stand it that there is someone greater than them or their acknowledged Master. What a pity!

Sunday worship

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

An hour  at least
For once a week
To be with our God
That’s all He asks
For everything He gives
All of seven  days

Message for Sept. 18, 2011.
Commitment is not allowing anything to deter you from accomplishing something that you have committed yourself  to do. That is what I would like every Christian to have about Sunday Mass. A commitment to spend time with Me at least for an hour once a week. Is that too much to ask? Will it take so much of your time or  cost you money to spend time with Me?

There are so many Catholics who do not know the significance of this Sunday worship, they just take it so lightly preferring to be out with friends or families in the beach or in malls, anywhere far from My churches. What a shame that in an effort to attract more buyers on Sundays, mall owners have designated places of worship inside their buildings to ensure that those who will attend Mass will flock  right into their stores after the service.  Isn’t it a pity that everything is so commercialized now?

The world revolves on profit and gain for  shrewd capitalists and businessmen and consumers are just like meek lambs that follow the false shepherd’s voice. I deplore commercialism so much and how it has affected the way of life of My children.

Be careful with the siren’s song that will lead you to the rocks of perdition or the lure of the flute that mesmerizes those who will hear it. Guard yourself from the evil one’s snare by always coming close to Me especially on Sundays.


Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Help me hold my tongue
When anger fills my mind
Make me always remember
To be good all the time ...

Message for Sept. 17, 2011.
Writing is a way of  expressing  into written words what’s  in the mind. Often, one’s opinion or  feelings   is rather written than spoken especially if it will not be acceptable to say it openly to others. But then what is written will have more lasting impact because your thoughts and feelings were recorded for posterity unless it was destroyed. 

What can be more disheartening and frustrating to the person that you once wrote about when they will discover that there was enmity in your soul when they did not suspect it? How can they make amends for the offense they did to you? It is better to be open about your feelings so whatever issues you have with others can be resolved quickly and not allowed to fester. Harboring ill feelings will always wreck havoc to your bodily system without your knowing it.

Speak gently even in your anger, be frank but be kind. There is a way of conveying your frustration and anger that will not add fuel to the spark or ember of bitterness in someone’s heart. Before you confront someone, remember to pray first for enlightenment and guidance so that the Holy Spirit will come to help you resolve issues and not cause further hurt and harm. Be in control of yourself, not allowing anger to run free with your tongue to avoid starting another dispute instead of settling one.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Let yesterday go...

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

When the day is over
let it be ...
Look forward to a new start
with the lesson learned
from yesterday

Message for Sept. 16, 2011.
When a day had pass, waste not your tears in thoughts on the, "what would have been and what ifs?" for there is nothing you can do to bring the past back.

Live for the moment, giving it your all for you'll never know when you will answer My call to your eternal home.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Kindness is a helping hand
not a castigating tongue.

Message for Sept. 15, 2011.
Goodness comes from a heart nurtured with love, patience and understanding. To be good is to forsake your comfort because you always look out for the welfare of others first. But, it doesn't mean you totally forget about yourself, it is just that you prioritize the needs of others before yours.

Being kind and sensitive to the needs of your family, friends and neighbors is not just asking how they are but helping them if they are in need of help. You are not being kind if you know your neighbor is hungry but you just tell them that God will provide for them. At that moment, you are My instrument so help them, give something to assuage their hunger. You are not being kind if you ask someone about their health or anything that bothers them and you give them a sermon to chastise their failures.

Real kindness is expressed in actions not merely words.

Daily start

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Before you start your day
Kneel down and pray
That God may guide your way
And avoid so much delay

Message for Sept. 14, 2011.

Chart your course for the day by listening to My prompts through your morning prayers. It is imperative that you start your day with Me first to avoid going back later for something you should have done first. When you and I are synchronized, everything will be an easy flow towards completion of your daily tasks, but if not you will be repeating yourself several times before you get the desired results of your task.

Make it a habit to ask for My guidance daily before setting out for the day.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Don't waste your time

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Waste not your time
waiting for blessings to come your way 
work on something else
not wasting time
for the blessing that you are looking for
might be in another package.

Message for Sept. 13, 2011.
Patience is a virtue, but don't just wait around doing nothing. While you are waiting for the result of your petitions, focus on something else, don't waste your time hanging out doing nothing.

Fill your days with worthwhile thoughts and actions, because in the end you will have to account for all your days, words and actions. Be reminded that your your time on Earth is not yours, but Mine.

Think big, think better

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Don't just do it, do it right
They say and I must add
Do it right and better still
Than what was expected.

Message for Sept. 12, 2011.
Responsibility and commitment are only two factors that make you exemplary. Cultivate these two traits and you will be on your way to success. Don't stop at a mediocre job, be excellent or try to do the best of what you are capable of. When you are asked to do something, think outside of the box about your task, think more of what you can do to improve it. Don't just be any other worker who delivers to the last point of what was exactly asked of them, no improvisation , no initiative as to what they could have done to make their jobs better.

Think big, think better always!

Blessings at Holy Mass

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Holy Mass I must  attend
to receive blessings bountiful
nowhere else is given
There in My Lord's altar
I kneel down and praise
the Giver beyond compare.

Message for Sept. 11, 2011
Don't allow the concerns of the world to stop you from doing what you were tasked to do for My kingdom. Don't lose yourself in worldly tasks, they are not as important as My instructions for you. Not attending Holy Mass because you want to finish something or tired of going to church because of something is not sufficient excuse to forfeit the blessings that you will receive in the Mass.

Do you ever wonder why those who attend Holy Mass sincerely are abundantly blest? Yes, some of them have questionable motives but for the effort that they go to church, they receive blessings.  How much more for those  who have kind hearts and make them a part of their day? Attend Holy Mass as often as you can and you will not regret the hours you allocate for it daily.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Obeying NOW

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

is doing it immediately 
not later or tomorrow
but NOW...

Message for Sept. 10, 2011
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Obedience, prompt obedience is always an important factor in following Me. It does not do to delay in obeying Me because there are others who will be affected by your delay. Like a chain reaction that is affected by one's performance so is life. Be quick to respond to My prompts.

When your hearts and minds are attuned to Me it will be easy to discern My voice from other voices. So keep praying, make Me a part of your moments and above all be holy in thoughts, words and deeds because the Holy Spirit cannot dwell in you if you don't clean yourself spiritually often. Try to be always righteous and holy so that My graces will always be with you.

Friday, September 9, 2011


Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Luck ...
goes away with fear in your heart
flees when you doubt
runs when you pout

Message for Sept. 9, 2011
Luck is not really luck, it is an opportune time for the person who readily saw and immediately obeyed My prompts. See, there are always many persons to whom the same opportunities are shown, but only one or two will step out and venture to look and see what they saw and work on it from there. The others will cower and forever stay on the safe side.

To be successful, you have to hold in your fears, don't let them control you, for I AM greater than anything in this world and I AM the one showing you these opportunities. Step out of the line and pick up the chance shown to you. There are others who saw the same opportunity but ignored it, blinded by their own dreams, they never gave it a glance. Some picked it up, looked at it, but never saw the potential because their eyes were blinded with their own cares.

See, my children don't grumble about the success of others, it is your fault why you are there in your position right now, wallowing in self doubt and fear. Get up, rub the doubt and fear from your eyes and your heart so that the mind will register the change and act accordingly. You must change the way you think and feel to make success  be a part of your life. If you persist in seeing life negatively, then everything negative will follow.

Think about My love for you and you will be inspired to see through the eyes of love and your life will change dramatically for the better. Think about it and no more comparing yourself with others who are more successful than you are now.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Enjoy your day

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Put a smile on your face
and enjoy your day
Life is too short and swift
Don't waste it with 
a frown always

Message for Aug. 8, 2011.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Life is meant to be enjoyed, don't take it too seriously that you no longer have a smile on your face. Have pleasure in everything that you do so that it will not be as heavy as it really is. Remember when you cast your worries to Me that it will lighten your load.

Begin your day with a prayer and offer your day to Me and I will ably reach out to you when you get overwhelmed with your burden. Be patient, be open to possibilities and broaden up your mind in that way the Holy Spirit can move freely through you. At the end of your task, offer it to Me as having been done to the best of your ability and I will sanctify it.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Pets and animals

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

We are not alone in this world
In an ecosystem we coexist 
Each with a purpose
May we be man or beast

Message for Sept. 7, 2011.

Pets and animals sometimes get sick or anything bad to save humans from being sick or harmed. It is your guardian angel's way of deflecting harm aimed at you. My way of protecting My children too and remind them they do not live alone in this world and that you should be kind to everyone of My creatures because they do have a purpose in My creation.

Training of pets and domestication of animals can not fully eliminate their basic instincts as animals, so you have to be patient and loving with them. Be kind to animals always.

Getting to know ourselves

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Do I really know myself?
Is there something more inside
I need to dig up 
to realize my full potential?

Message for Sept. 6, 2011.
Knowing yourself is not just about how you look, how intelligent you are, how good, kind and helpful you are and everything that is characteristically associated with you. Get to know yourself more, delve deeper and explore hidden potentials and you will be very surprise at the many things you can do which you thought was impossible for you to do.

Keep challenging yourself, broaden your horizon, explore, explore, explore. Be a Christopher Columbus and discover that there is more to you than what you and others expected. Do not be afraid to try and open new doors but learn to close it quickly if you judge it to be inappropriate. Learn to use your brain to its fullest potential, don't let it die with you having a big part still unutilized, it will be a very big insult to Me.

As they said, people are only using 10% of their brain, the 90% is not used! What a shame! Tap into that unutilized 90% and you will be more happy, successful and abundant than you are now. No wonder so many people are poor and underprivileged today because they are just content of what they see superficially, they are afraid to delve deeper into themselves, their fear greater than their faith in Me.

Don't be like this, struggle to become the best in your field and not just one of a few who are little above mediocre. Work hard to excel and success will follow you.

Fight for your dreams

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Don't give up on your dreams
because of trials that come your way
Success is made sweeter
with every trial conquered

Message for Sept. 5, 2011.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Don't give up easily on the challenges that are unexpectedly thrown your way. Be adept in parrying these blows, they are there to further test your resolve in the path that you would like to pursue. Continue with your journey although you may have to look for another route.

Unburden yourself with unnecessary load, improve your techniques, etc. Check where all the problems may have arisen and work on it. Look for a solution, not expulsion of your dreams. Learn from each obstacle that you faced and prepare for it in the event that you might encounter it again in the future.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Love and forgive

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Love makes the world go round
in peace and harmony all we become
friends, not enemies
joyful not spiteful
even in tears

Message for Sept. 4, 2011.
Love one another, you must love someone as if that person is yourself and I'm sure half if not the whole of the world's problems will be over. But why do men find it difficult to coexist? If only, all of you will have a heart as big as the ocean to forgive those who have offended you, what a peaceful Earth this would be.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Sanitize your mind

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

My thoughts are hidden from men
but not from My God who sees through me
I struggle to make them clean and good
sometimes goodness prevail
though evil do has its moments
oh how I despair when I fail
to God again I bewail
help me Lord
I stumbled again.

Message for Sept. 3, 2011.
Worry eats at you, don't let worry bother your daily tasks and your personal relationships. Don't make it fester in your hearts, much more in your minds because it will create a chain of commands, action and reaction in your body that will be harmful in the long run.

Do you remember the last time you were so worried it upset your stomach and you were in an irritable mood all day long? That's the cause of worry and if it happens everyday, every minute what do you think will be the end result to your body?

Cast all your worries to Me, I will take care of them provided you are in the state of grace always or persist to be in My grace most of the time. I know nobody among you is perfect but a repentant heart bring Me great joy, so I reward them for admitting that they have sinned and turning their back on the cause of their sinfulness. There is great rejoicing in heaven indeed for one repentant sinner than in 100 already good ones.

Strive for goodness in your life, in thoughts, words and actions. You know where most of you fail? In your minds, the dark room of every man, the place of darkness where no one can see, except Me. The state of the heart can be easily revealed through words and actions but the state and chaos in one's mind is difficult to gauge because there are others who have mastered deception well.

Sanitize your minds then, by guarding what you allow it to think and ponder. Don't let evil thoughts and desires make it their resting place, a standby zone. Edge them out by filling your minds with My words, to guide you and there will be no room for evil thoughts and desires to lurk there.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Grace, mercy and peace to you.

My heart leaps with joy
in thanksgiving to you Father
for everything you gave
to an unworthy daughter
humbled with your
unconditional love
and forgiveness
I give you praise
on this day
you breathed
life to me.

Message for Sept. 2. 2011
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Birthdays are joyous celebrations of thanksgiving, glory and praise to the Father who made you and nurture you through your biological parents. Make it a day of commitment to be with your heavenly Father even for an hour, for doesn't He deserve a fraction of your time on this joyous day?

Even if you have nothing much to celebrate materially, there is still much to give thanks and be happy because of Him, the source of everything in your life. Praises, praises, song of praise to your God then on your special day.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Help does not end
in the money you gave
it is the beginning
of caring and loving
we all should share

Message for Sept. 1, 2011.
You need eight hours of sleep a day for your body's maximum performance, and it has to follow your body clock, sleeping at the hours you are supposed to sleep.

Can you imagine the havoc being done to the system of those who are working for business process outsourcing (BPO)agencies? Working instead of sleeping, and sleeping instead of working is a tough adjustment the body has to make. It is no wonder that My children become sickly, have unhealthy lifestyles and some have lost their values.

I pity My children for having to work like this. BPOs are not helping their own countrymen in an effort to reduce cost and maximize their profits to exploit the labor force of poorer countries, what a shame! In their own countries, they have so many who are unemployed, but they boast that they have helped so many in other countries. Is that right?

Charity begins at home and if you really want to help, see that the person you are helping will not be exposed to something that will harm them. Look beyond the monetary reward you can give them. When you help, help thoroughly so that it will be mutually beneficial for everyone and not just in terms of money.