Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Way

I am the Lord your rock and salvation, he who follows shall never be afraid of traps set out before him because I have walked ahead of him. Do not limit your actions because of fear, fear is the enemy you must conquer. A heart filled with my love should have no room for fear in their hearts. An empowered person never has to worry nor fear, the power that fills him comes from me. Do not be afraid to carry your cross and follow me.

The road may be bumpy and rough but it leads to my Father's house, where glory awaits His faithful and loyal servants. This is your goal to be inside my Father's house, do not deviate from that goal. Keep going even if the struggles may be too much to bear. Know that in your weakness, my greatness will come to glory. Yes, I am the giver of life, the source of your salvation, whoever trusts me need not fear.

Do not be afraid, cast out the enemy of fear from your heart. Worry is a second cousin of fear, it doesn't give you something good by worrying it only adds up to your fear and choke the will to live and survive. Don't ever submit yourself to fear and worry, they are instruments of the evil one to lead you astray from me, your Father, your rock and salvation.

The evil one ensnares you with doubt, leading you to a trap so you will succumb unknowingly to his evil ways. When worry and fear grips your heart and soul, cry out to me, your Savior and Guide. Be still, and listen to my answer to your cry for I the Lord of the universe will provide the answer to your needs.

Don't you believe that I can provide your needs? Miracles are not always needed to answer your call, I have instruments who will bear my message for you. Be alert, be aware of the uncommon in the common things that happen around you for I am there. Don't close your eyes to my reply.

Call on the Holy Spirit to enlighten your mind and your heart to my answer. My child, I care for each and everyone of you. I wait to listen to your voice, waiting to hear from you always.

Come, do not be afraid to walk with me. I will carry you to a part of your journey but when I have made you strong, I will set you down on your feet so you can walk with me again. Do not be afraid, keep your focus on me.

Do not delay for the evil one might capture the ones I would like you to minister. I need so many intercessors but they are afraid, they don't want to sacrifice their their time and end their worldly ambitions for what I want them to do.

Attachment to worldly things will hinder the journey with me. Sadly, so many chose to walk his path of the material world where riches rot and disappear. But, in time they will still be use for my glory. In my time they will come to serve Me too, just like you.

This is my message for you and everyone who are afraid to let go and what they have been used to. Afraid to let go of the comfort they have known for the discomfort and the uncertainty of the unknown, but you know that I am the God of certainty and love, if you walk with me, I won't lead you astray, I will lead you to the light and my mansion in heaven.

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