Monday, May 16, 2011


Surrender yourself to Me, not to the enemy. When everything seems a burden to you, with no answer or solution to your problems in sight, kneel down and pray for help and guidance, and immediately I am with you. It doesn't mean I will take away your worries immediately or provide a miracle to solve your problems.

I will be there to strengthen you, to face your challenge well so that you will come out of it a better person. For challenges are meant to form your character, increase your faith in Me and get to know Me better.

Don't view challenges as your cross, no, they are not. They are obstacle courses for personality and faith development. During these times of trouble and of need, you will also get to know Me better. Hopefully, these times will pull you away from dependence on yourself and in other people. These times are meant to bring you back to Me.

So, don't be afraid to face these challenges with ME. I AM greater than any of them and I AM the creator of all material things, surely I can provide for my children too. Relax, enjoy the ride and stay focus on Me.

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