Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Shades of truth but not the whole truth

Truth which is interpreted to serve the purpose of the interpreter ceases to be true. Like white lies, they serve to cover up something either to protect someone or to make the truth less painful.

In a Bible sharing with our househelp who belongs to a Christian group, she said that Jesus had other brothers because Mary gave birth to other children. When we explained that the term "brothers" in Jesus' time meant close relatives she insisted in the truth that their religious leaders told them.

To debate on something basic to our Catholic faith with someone who clearly just agrees and swallows the teaching of their religion without verifying its veracity seem futile and might lead to dissension which is not our aim as a Catholic. Our purpose is to share the truth of the Bible for what it was and what it still is.
Salvation of the world is my primary concern because my people have been led away from me by the evil one with lures of riches, new ideologies and precepts that confuse my flock who are without their Good Shepherd.

Yes, it is true that there are so many evil things that still exist because they serve for a purpose in My divine plan, but, in the end it will be exposed and my people will come to realize they were not in the true light. For sometimes, there are some teachings that serve as light for a certain group. They grow, they prosper believing they have the true religion that would save the world, only to discover that their leaders did not really know the truth.

Shades of truth is different from the whole truth, that is so different! Many are deceived with these half truths, one of them is the virginity of Mary, My chosen spouse. They seek to destroy her image and reputation because they cannot conceive or rather they refuse to believe that I, God, would choose a human spouse to have a Son. It is repugnant for them and inconceivable because they want their Savior to be purely God, not a man, a carpenter from Galilee. Who would like to believe that a carpenter from a poor town of Galilee can be better than the teachers of the Law?

Pride again comes into the picture. Pride blocks the heart from recognizing the voice that acknowledges the Savior.

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