Monday, May 16, 2011

Believe in miracles

Miracles are the visible manifestation of your thoughts. Your thoughts play an important part in the creation of a miracle. Faith powers your thoughts. If you have faith and truly believe without a single iota of a doubt in what you are thinking, then miracles come true.

Faith is believing in something you can't see. If you continue feeding your faith with thoughts of hope, belief and unshakable faith, then eventually what you keep on thinking will come true. That's the power of your unconscious mind.

A strong faith, a strong belief in the miracle that you would wish to come true will manifest itself in due time. But, if the miracle you are wishing for will bring harm to you or the people around you, it will not be given. Think of things positive, Christlike, those that will be beneficial to humanity and it will be granted to you.

There are so many people who only think for themselves and their families and close friends and associates, they are those who feed on the heart of my children. Grabbing dreams of hope and financial dreams to feed their own dreams. They are unscrupulous businessmen and opportunists. They become wealthy from the sweat and blood of the vulnerable.

I deplore them, a time of reckoning will come for them. For now, let them enjoy because their time of suffering will come and it will be much greater than the sorrow of all those whom they have trampled.

Believe in miracles for they are true, if they will bring good not only to you. Work on your faith, believe in your thoughts. Cultivate and nourish it with good thoughts without planting a seed of doubt in it. For doubt is like a weed who sprouts all over uncontrolled, it will grab your dreams and you will lose it just because of doubt.

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