Monday, May 16, 2011

Get to know the vine

I am the vine and you are the branches, whoever believes in Me and stays with Me bears fruit beyond their expectation. The fruit that each of you will bear will be different from the others. Each of you will have different roles in My church. Your fruit will make My church universal because each of you will be assigned tasks to bring together My scattered children.

Don't compare yourself with each other because your mission will be different. Some will finish their mission while others will falter but someone will take their place. It is like that in My ministry, no one can stop the real aim of My church, which is to bring back My people to the source of their life.

You can help in My ministry and accomplish your task by getting to know My Word first. Spend time with Me everyday in prayer and reading the Gospels. Make it a habit and soon it will be a part of your life, you will hunger for Me if you can't spend time with Me.

Get to know Me first as a person who loves you and you will find it easier to follow My way. For isn't it not easy to follow the footsteps of someone who has shown love to you? That is what all of you should do, get to know ME as I AM, not of what you know about Me because of what others say. Experience Me for yourself.

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