Thursday, May 5, 2011


The gospel today is about Peter and the disciples being whipped upon orders of the Sanhedrin council after forbidding them not to talk about Jesus of Nazareth. Instead of scaring the apostles, it further bolstered their enthusiasm to spread the Good News of the risen Lord.

I often wonder what changes took place within this early community of believers as they struggled and fought for their faith. The Holy Spirit must have worked mightily with them to be able to establish the Catholic church and make it as big as it is now.

Conversion doesn't only mean trying to change a person's religion from a Catholic to Protestant or Baptist or Methodist or vice-versa. Religion is divisive, as you can see the leaders of a religion have their own interpretation of the Bible and its precepts. They broke away from the Catholic church because they were discontented and scandalized by the leaders of My church in the early days. Each have their own good points but, sadly this should not have been so.

If only they spent time to pray and discern what is really My will, My plan then they wouldn't have set out to establish their own plans. But then, I have given my people freedom to choose what is good and what is bad, so I will let them be. In the end there will only be one universal church, where everyone will gather as one flock of the shepherd.

My sheep will no longer respond to different voices, they will recognize the voice of their true shepherd, which is Me. When that day comes, true conversion has taken place on earth and the angels in heaven will break out to shouts of joy and heavenly music will be heard all throughout the universe for such gladness will fill my heart. Rose petals will be showered over the earth, a smell so radiant will fill the earth. Refreshing, soft, heavenly smell replacing the stink of yesteryears.

Wouldn't that be a day to look forward to? Yes, it would be, but, it will happen not in your lifetime yet. There has to be reform in my church, my leaders, my followers. They should set a good example for my people to follow them. Conversion of the soul that was once selfish and full of pride to one of selfless devotion to each other's condition and welfare abandoning pride and prejudice. That is total conversion, that is love, brotherly kindness that reflects my love for all of you.

Conversion is without limits, no boundaries. It cuts across boundaries set up by human ideologies and principles, it recognizes the true spirit that leads them to their heavenly Father. Conversion is coming home at last to ME.

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