Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Life is not about choices alone, it is choosing Me over other activities. When you focus on Me and not on yourself, your family, friends, and work you will see what I would like to do through you to the people around you. Focusing on yourself will give you a a warped perspective of the mission I would like you to do on someone.

Being selfless is being keen to My activity in other people's lives. Yes, when I send someone for you to minister, silently ask yourself what is my role in God's activity for this person? Is it to give encouragement? To bolster his deflated ego so that he will be upheld to be able to do God's will? Is it to comfort? You must go beyond yourself to see the needs of others. You can never tell from a person's appearance what they are hiding from the world.

People all wear masks to hide their insecurities. You have to learn to unmask them by gentle probing so you can see the real person and join Me in their salvation. Christlike virtues are concern about people to people interdependence. No man is an island, you all need each other in different ways. Learn to live harmoniously with each other.

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