"Peace be with you," these were the words of the risen Jesus when He first appeared to His disciples after His Resurrection. Not words of recrimination for leaving Him alone during His Passion but words of reconciliation. How happy the disciples must have felt to see their Lord again but for sure they must have been hesitant at first how to react in His glorious presence. They must have been dumbstruck and terrified too to have seen Jesus standing in their presence despite the locked doors. Their mixed emotions must have been the reason why Jesus showed them His wounds to prove to them that He was really the one that was crucified.
How eagerly they told Thomas about their encounter, but he did not readily believe that Jesus really came back to life unless he himself will see and feel the wounds of his hands and at His side. So, the next time Jesus appeared to the disciples and Thomas was there, Jesus let the doubting disciple feel His wounds, and the exclamation of total belief that we say today during the consecration of the Eucharist came first from a doubter's lips, "My Lord and My God."
Reconciliation of the soul begins with forgiveness. If you forgive, you open the path for love to flow and be reconciled with the person you've had disagreement with. It is easy to forgive if you don't let pride block it. Don't be overly proud of yourselves. Pride doesn't give you good things in your life materially and spiritually. It is the root of all evil, not money as the world says.
For what can money do? It doesn't have a spirit, it cannot talk or feel. It is the one who has the money that makes it evil, although they and their pride are hiding the evil desires of their heart by saying money is the root of their greed. They cannot accept their own evil ways, so they blame something inanimate, something that can't speak back and condemn their evil holders.
Possession of money is good, if you share it with others who have less. Learn to share your blessings with others, it gives much joy to be able to make others happy. There is joy in giving with open arms, without expecting something back in return. When you give, give freely and joyously and you will be given back something more from Me in return for your brotherly kindness.
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