Boyfriends or girlfriends that lead to marriage are special partners that are gifts from above. What you make out of the relationship all depends on you. For a start, the heavens allowed your paths to merge so you will get to know each other well enough to make you decide to marry.
What comes after marriage when finally you live together as man and wife under one roof will depend on how much you respect and value each other as a person. Some mistake lust or passion as the penultimate need to bind each other in marriage. Sadly, that is not so, for lust will lose its tickle when finally you have sated your desires.
Desire is a fickle thing that gradually wanes as day drags on to another day and you are continually together with a person who is suddenly becoming a stranger with a new personality unfolding from sun up to sun down. Hygiene to personal eccentricities loses desire's "oomph" for a person.
No, desire should not be the sole reason to bind oneself with someone in matrimony. It must be more than that. It has to be the feeling of total partnership, a linkage necessary to become a better person. Yes, there is such a feeling because you are meant to uphold each other to fulfill your individual roles as sons and daughters of God together as man and wife.
That is the purpose of matrimony, bringing two persons together as a team to work out God's purpose for them. Responsible parenthood is not just about family planning, it is family planting with the goal of rearing future members of the Church as God fearing and responsible Christians, that is responsible parenthood.
Artificial contraception is a puny way of controlling population growth. It is only I who can control how many I would like to populate the world I created. What right do they have to kill the innocent lives in the wombs of their mothers?
Man and woman who engage in the blessed act of creation should in the first place remember always that sex is taking part in God's role as creator and should view the act with awe not wanton satisfaction of their physical desires.
They should not promote artificial contraception, instead, they should intensify value formation among Christians because this is what has been lost through modernization and liberalization. Sad but true, the cost of living has risen but the cause for living has declined. So many don't know or don't care to know why they are here.
Baptized as Christians but they forget their roles or don't know the reason why they are here. They just live for themselves, their goals, their dreams and their stature in society and forget that they are here for a divine purpose.
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