The Good News of My Kingdom that the apostles and all my children should tell everyone is that all of you have forgiveness of sins because of the death of My Son. He saved you all from the fires of hell and the tentacles of the evil one, so all of you need not be afraid of the prince of darkness because he has no real power of you. Those who know the Good News are not afraid of him because they believe that Jesus already saved them from his destruction.
If someone firmly believes that Jesus is his Savior that died for him on the cross, then this unshakable belief will lead him to paths of life that others will dare not venture. With Jesus as their strength and Savior they are emboldened to do great acts and such will be their power that the evil one shrieks and stay far away from them.
Do not be afraid. Place Jesus in front of you as your shield, He will protect you. Use My Words as your guide and the Holy Spirit will lead you to Me. I am waiting my children for your return. How glorious the angels in heaven will be when all of my chosen ones come home to their Father.
Yes, not all of my creatures will come home to Me, those whom I have called beforehand, whose hearts I have stamped with My seal of love will have a longing for Me but others will be led astray not answering to the longing in their hearts, mistaking it for something else. Later, others will get to know Me too through the Holy Spirit's initiative, it is through Him that others who don't have the seal of My love will come to know and love me too.
Come, my children to the home of your Father in heaven.
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