Sunday, May 29, 2011

Soul mate

In times of worry and despair, I long for someone to talk to, someone I can confide in and I searched through the internet for a partner. For two days, I searched through a website for a partner, but, alas I am either too old, not so sexy and beautiful for their dream partners!

Oh well, it was an eye opener and it distracted me from my despondency to know there are so many lonely people out there looking for their soul mates, partners and princess. Now, I can chuckle for that brief period of insanity but for a time I was really bent on seeking someone for myself. The longing to be loved and appreciated after a difficult time at home really makes me wish that I belong to someone who will take care and love me like some very well loved wives.

Maybe, it is not my destiny to be with someone.

Here's the message for May 28, 2011.
In search of a soul mate, is there really such a thing? Your soul mate is Me, your creator in the Holy Spirit. It is not another person. The world has created their own interpretation of the word, soul mate to sensationalize and romanticize the word.

What makes you complete is My presence in your life. Someone may for a time make you think that they made you feel whole, but sooner or later you will get disappointed and frustrated because ultimately they will fail your expectations.

Remember what was written that no one should put their trust in another for their happiness because time will come that this person will break your heart in one way or another.

Don't be deceived by the world's call, it is deceptive. Learn to listen and recognize My voice alone for I will never lead you astray.

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