Monday, May 2, 2011

The Holy Spirit

Like Nicodemus, we sometimes tend to hide our true beliefs of our faith in order not to be ridiculed of our real ignorance. We pretend we know the Catholic doctrines, but do we really know and understand it? Like the night time that he came to secretly meet Jesus, we secretly meet Jesus too in the privacy of our prayer and Bible study time to seek the truth and know Him better. With the help of the Holy Spirit we come to a better understanding of the verses we've read so many times before. The verses we read but did not understand suddenly catches our attention as if speaking to us, we slow down and read it over again and again until it will dawn on you what it was meant to say.
The Spirit is like the wind that blows everywhere without you knowing where it comes from and where it will be going but It knows where It will dwell. The Holy Spirit will find the person who is ready to accept Him and be enlightened to a new, deeper and faithful spiritual life.

A spirit-filled and guided person knows inner peace although affected by earthly worries. The spirit within that person will pacify his soul. Trusting God and His divine plan for everyone requires letting go of human logic and reasoning for the truth to really sink in. Like Nicodemus who was a learned teacher of the Jews, what he learned from his teachers blocked his relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

He did not want to be seen with Him and His followers at day time, so he came by night. A spirit-filled individual is not afraid of what others may say of them and his actions, he is not afraid of position, reputation, wealth, connections that might be in danger of losing because he chose to believe other than what is expected of him.

A spirit-filled person unburdens himself of human knowledge he had acquired to be filled with spiritual knowledge that will lead him to everlasting life. He is not afraid of the dark because the light in him will make him seek for the light, for truth prefers the light rather than darkness.

Be then my light in this world of darkness, a single light can bring relief to someone out there looking out for a shard of light on his path. Be not afraid to share what you know because I have made it known to you myself. Go and be a good servant, share my love with others, let them know I have been waiting for them to come back to ME.

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