The saying, "When you are down to nothing, God is up to something" and Psalm 23 are mantras that comfort me when situations seem to be hopeless. But then God never leaves His children alone in their time of need. He uses someone to give His provision for our needs.
Yesterday, I experienced again His loving kindness through friends who unknowingly became His instruments. Thank you, Lord!
How many times will I have to experience these unexpected kindness to believe He indeed provides? I think time and again He would have said to me, "Man of little faith, why did you doubt?"
I missed posting yesterday, so here's the message for May 30, 2011
Instruments are kindred souls that are asked to help someone in need. Sometimes, you will be used unknowingly to help others. You might not get to know about how you were able to help someone until you are told and then you will recall the circumstance which made you do that strange prompt.
All of you are my angels, but others have closed their hearts to their true calling or have been deceived with another call, the worldly call. They no longer hear My voice but the voice of their ambition and dreams to attain worldly standards. They have drown out My voice with the busyness of their lives. No time to pray, no time to sit and listen. They are always in a rush to beat deadlines, forgetting their most important deadline - the time of meeting with Me.
How do you think will I judge them? Will I be pleased with the wealth they have accumulated while someone was deprived of what was rightfully theirs? Will it give Me much joy that they are high ranking employees and leaders of the world when they have caused tears to flow from stricken people?
No, these won't matter to Me. In the judgement scale these will not bear much weight, unfortunately. What matters most in the final meeting will be the good works that you did to help others find their way to Me. That, is all that counts! Leading others to Me, helping others with their lives to find their purpose and achieve their goals for My kingdom.
You should help each other fulfill your mission, for each one is asked to do something special that nobody else can. Ever wondered why you come together here? Because you are My flock, you recognize the voice of your shepherd, each of you does what is required of you to help each other be the best. Don't wonder if a stranger suddenly comes to you and you feel a strange urge to help. Don't rationalize, just do and obey your prompt.
If you are in Me, you will recognize my action in the situation, you will recognize a kindred soul or a lost soul that was sent to you to uplift or encourage. You will be drawn into situations that you might think most unlikely for you to be in, but don't turn your back from it and see what needs to be done. Listen to My instructions and do it promptly. Never, ever walk away from a situation without asking Me what is there to see and what is there to do.
Don't just be a passive Christian, be proactive and do things that you haven't done yet and you will be handsomely rewarded in heaven. Pray always for enlightenment and guidance.
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