Friday, April 29, 2011

Your rope, My cross

Having to do things against our will is always difficult to finish, there will always be excuses and reasons not to do them. But then, there is a "pull" that we can't resist, an inner voice that urges us to pick up where we left. Sometimes, it will only be for a few days or at times a few years but then it is where we have left that we start all over again.

Makes me think that our mission in life had been predestined long before we were born, the rope laid out for us that will take us back to the heavenly Father have been prepared specifically for us and our mission to bring others to Him.

I pray that I will stop grumbling,complaining and doubting and just take up the rope that was meant for me.
Persistence is undergoing several attempts to achieve your goal despite so many trials. Although, you give up for a time or a spell, it is always taking up again to start with a new vigor, a new leash bigger and stronger to make it to the end.

Don't give up easily and throw your rope because you are attached to Me. However heavy it will become, know that it is attached to Me. Even if you feel that there is a slack, that you are alone in your struggle, know that I've allowed you to carry it all alone because you've been strengthened to carry it by yourself. It means I can trust you now to carry your burdens, your load of responsibility.

Do not be alarmed easily and misunderstand that I've left you, I am by your side always, smiling and proud of what you have become. Pull harder at the rope that I have entrusted you with, it is still long, it has to reach so many souls. Sometimes, the rope will be soft and smooth, other parts will be slimy or coarse, don't squirm with distaste or complain about its roughness, I have purposely made it that way for you to grow in strength and to increase your faith and trust in Me.

See, for every person entrusted with a mission, you have a rope that is directly attached to Me. Can't you see how special you are to Me? Because I am aware how difficult your paths will be, so there has to be a direct connection so I can feel every tug and pull, when you put it down and abandon your rope and when you pick it up again. It is always there, waiting for you to pick it up again.

Your rope, My cross, I have made things lighter and easier for you, My friend. Pick up your rope once again and follow Me.

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