Today is Holy Thursday, we remember how Jesus humbled himself before His disciples by washing their feet to show His love for them and to give an example of the kind of service they should give for each other. No one is greater than the other. We are all equal in the eyes of God. Positions and status in life should not blind us to the responsibility that we have to help one another. We all belong to one Shepherd.
Love is the passion of the cross, just like Jesus who endured humiliation and pain
such should be your love for each other. Don't give up easily on your love ones.
Persevere in loving although you would like to go on living without the other.
Continue praying for each other. Never put a person down because you find that
you are no longer able to live with him. Pray for enlightenment, renewal and
Love is not like a toy that you discard when it has no interest for you anymore.
Love is ever present in your hearts don't block it with your self-confessed
righteousness. No one is righteous before my eyes, so you should help one another in finding that love back.
Love never ceases to hope for their love ones. It never despairs until it gives up. It maybe frustrating but always remember the Passion of the cross, such is my love
and passion for my people.
Did I ever turn my back on you? Did I forsake you? No, I never did, I always give
second chances, more chances that you can count for everyone to the point that I
am being taken for granted.
Love is generous with praise and stingy with criticism as I've said. Do not say
anything that will insult or hurt anyone especially when it comes to physical and
mental differences. Keep it to yourself and ask for my pardon if it entered your
head to make fun of these people, they are my children too. Don't ridicule them or
say something in jest that will put an ache in their hearts.
Love everyone disfigured or not, simpleton or wise. They are worth loving because I am in them. Don't choose who to love.
Gather everyone for me, I miss my children, my flock. Don't segregate the black
from the white, the spotted from the pure, they are all mine. All efforts should be
done to gather everyone to me, their Shepherd.
Love no one that despises Me, stay away from them because the evil one has entered their minds. I will deal with these people in my time. For now, love everyone, take care of each other because you are my flock.
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