Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Today, contentment is difficult to achieve if we gauge what we possess to the ever changing, fast paced commercialism of what we must have to be considered "IN" or part of a group. From cellphones, gadgets down to shampoos we are bombarded with commercials showing us the latest, trendiest must haves unconsciously creating a yearning to have that thing, that look, that the world seem to have a fancy for the moment. This frenzy to buy the latest, the best and the most "IN" thing will ultimately drive some of us to the wall one day. And, will the advertisers care? the owners? Nah, they won't, because we are just unfortunate pawns in their business plans to enrich themselves so that they will have the latest, the best and the "mostest" among their peers.
Contentment is putting oneself in My providence and learning to trust in Me that I will provide for all your needs. Don't entertain doubts in your minds and in your hearts because I can see through them. Total abandonment and total surrender to my will require the abandonment of your dependency on your skills, on other people, it is just you and I.

This is a good measure of your faith and trust in Me. Let's see how far you will walk with me without a clear sign of where you are going. Let's see if you will give me your hand and allow Me to lead your way.

In today's world, everything is set in plans, missions, visions, objectives and truly glorify the persons who have set those standards, those guidelines for corporate success. Really? what good will their mission and vision be if I wash them away today? I have let them be, I have let them be proud of themselves, of their successful formula, the authors have made millions out of their business strategy. But, does it really work for all? No, there are factors that are not incorporated in these so called, business strategies, they did not include my participation, my consent to their plans. I am the world's owner and I am not included in their consideration. How foolish could that be?

Contentment can never be achieved based on the world's standards that are set by men who have increasing sense of greatness every year, every quarter, every month, every day. No, these people whose targets keep on rising will be on the way to brokenness before they know it. They are chasing the wind who blows in whatever direction I command them to. Who can control the wind? Only I can command the wind to be still or make them race like wild horses to cause up a storm. If only people will realize the importance of having ME in their lives, they will not drive themselves to death due to stress.

There is also another thing about the poor's supposedly contentment in their lives. It is a sin, not to work saying they will depend on their fate. As if I wanted my children to die of poverty. No, this is absolutely wrong. In the first place, some of these poor people, don't even know Me, don't even bother to get to know Me. They allow themselves to be pulled into the quagmire of poverty because they are lazy. They depend on other people for their living, they gamble for their lives, they don't want to try to get out of their rut because they think it is the obligation of the government and other institutions to give them something to make them live. That is why it is always best to teach them how to fish than just to give them the fish.

These people will never be contented because they will always be in want, always begging. This is so wrong, another ideology that has to be erased from them.
I don't know why they would settle for squalor and not try to break away from the group that keeps them together in their dire need. I would be dearly happy, if they will come to me, if they will pray and not spend their time gambling, drinking, gossiping.

So much to do with Me but they never come to ask Me, to seek My help. They ask other people who will just use them, another cycle of oppression. A fool leading another fool.

Contentment is having Me in your lives. It is depending on my providence with total trust and submission of your will. It is Me, who can provide you with all your needs, guidance and inspiration. I am the only guru who can lead you into contentment and success for am I not the Lords of Lord?

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