Tuesday, September 27, 2011

There is only one God

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

There is only one God I know,
Worship and adore
It is by knowing Him
That I love friend or foe
Others may call Him Buddha,
Allah or Jehovah
But He is the same God of Love
That made us
His children from different races
To fulfill our own purpose
In the lives we must live

Message for Sept. 27, 2011.
There is only one God, but people know Me through different manifestations according to their culture. I am Buddha,Allah or Jehovah whoever is close to their hearts. It is still the same Me that they understand through their traditions. 

People should not become religious fanatics, believing that their own religion is the true one. What is really Important is how you are to your neighbors. If you are a religious fanatic but you are not a good neighbor, you are a bigot. Don’t become one, open your heart to God’s wisdom that everyone walks through different roads to fulfill their own purpose in life.

Respect and love each other, don’t let religious fervor cloud your minds and harden your hearts to the love that is supposed to grow among you.

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